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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. OMG all I can say is WHAT A EFFN BLAST. Perpetual smile all day. Still am I' m to tired to post much else but. Dame Pete and Va-Anna. you rock. Will post observation tomorrow. Damn there is alot of those. TEAM CHICK!
  2. I can't wait for this weekend. :ahhhhh: Better bring extra money. Raffles, races, Smokin' Al's, and GS cookies Oh my!
  3. Cause Cole will take them all and where them himself. We'll be rollin' in about 9:30 Friday morning. Bring the Sammi so if you need help with the track just let us know.
  4. times 100. I love those things and the thin mints are great frozen. Just wondering charity, have you check out my daughters food blog. I WILL be needing some Carmel delights fo sho. OGP
  5. Add a white beard and a Santa hat to the 3rd pic and it screams. YOU WANT WHAT FOR EFFN CHRISTMAS!
  6. Yes I have been told "keep it full". But personally I am going to get a plastic tank (when I do a complete rebuild. Sometimes the time, effort, and frustration = a new tank.
  7. i failed to mention the size. 16x8x7. I will pay for them or it. Just really need one. c'mon man. work with a girl
  8. Wet :porn: just being a smarty pants.
  9. I have two new tires on the back, but two old one on the front (on bent rims) Well, One of the used tires on the front is all ballooned up and much larger then the rest. Does anyone have one or two used tires (in ok condition)? The rims are shot but I'm not going to spend to much more money on this thing til after the regatta. I kinda need to make my house payment n' shait.
  10. Education is the key. Thanks for information. But it really does not matter what color they are, it is the lack of governmental integrity and the failure to build a strong infrastructure. I'll bet the leaders of that country aren't going without. However, next time something goes wrong in my part of this little world, I'm going to go loot and burn down something. But are the agency's running these charities any better? Send your money and we will spend it in (what they deem) a reasonable manner. So I send in $100 and the people of Haiti will get .50, maybe. Nice job. I do feel sorry for the kids though. As if things aren't bad enough for them.
  11. Those that live away from the cities and band together as a group will survive. Bug Out!
  12. Great! I'm never going to win. I don't even have a light. :blonde: think, think, think, Wait! Duct tape a mag light to the handle bars and some battery operated xmas tree light to the wipe. I'm in
  13. Totally yet sort of on the same lines, anyone know about BOB , no not battery operated boyfriend, but Bug Out Bag or Go Bag. Cool information to know............n' shait.
  14. REALLY? Can I borrow some of your personal parts. How do you guys do it? Take them completely apart, sort out all of the parts, make a list of things you need, then order parts? I have had so much trouble get everything in one place, I think I have paid more in shipping then for parts. We were rebuild the recoil starter and l all needed was the plastic wheel the rope goes on. I got it in the mail and my dog Storm promptly knocks the box over that the spring part was in and Boinggggg! away it went. It broke while fixing it (it was in bad shape) so had to order another one of those. You guys make it look so simple.. I'm sure it is if you know what your doing, but I can see it is going to cost me about 1k to completely rebuild and get plastics and rims and 2 more tires, and a tank, and, and.... If I decide to keep it and go forward, I'm going to back it fun bike and add some silly things like a bell, basket and the a pair of the frilly things that hand off the grips. And a No passing sign for the back. Love your helmet Cole. Who paints your plastics or do you order them that way?
  15. I spent my "Relief Fund Money" on my 70.
  16. With all of this wind and rain coming our way for a week, with any luck the dunes and weather with be badazz the next weekend. We are bring the Sammi and the 70. Not the big car. Gonna keep it simple and fun. It's gonna feel weird not having the car out there. I hope I don't have separation anxiety.
  17. Update. Food and water is arriving in Haiti. Some people are stealing it from others and selling it on the black market. They are rioting and burning government buildings. Why do people do that. Get mad, because we are not giving them enough fast enough then making matters worse for themselves by looting, rioting, burning buildings, and stealing from those that are there to help. I will never understand that mentality. Oh well! I really don't care anymore.
  18. Get over your self. it's a smilie He is your brother, right?, that is the? OK just for the record, Yo :B prez is half white. So let's go with the Prez. and his constituents want us, The American Citizens to send (and I quote) YOUR CASH! to their Haiti fund. I wonder what ADMINISTRATIVE costs are involved.
  19. Thanks man! At least someone saw what I saw. Unbelievable! I just stood there with my jaw dropped thinking.................... Did he just say that? :?:
  20. I felt like I was watching an Informercial. Maybe those guys need a couple of new jets or something or they are raising money to buy Haiti and make it the 51 state. Save alot of time hauling them :B back there. Don't send water, blankets send us your cash. Auggggg. I just can't get over that statement.
  21. I get up this morning and start my usual routine, thinking about what I need to do today. I turn on the news and could here this man talking about relief for the people of Haiti. I'm thinking, that sounds like George Bush. So I go in and take a look at the TV and sure enough there stands Bush, Clinton and Obama. I get there just in time to hear Bush say,"Don't send blankets, water and such, just sent us YOUR CASH, we will make sure it is spent in a responsible manner." Just go to clinton bush haiti relief fund.org (something like that). Then Obama come on saying pretty much the same thing. I was shocked OMG 3 of the most dangerous men in the US are on a State of the Nation Address on every channel asking for more of our money. I was pissed. These men have all ready taken: Our homes, money, inheritance and given it to all the big bank so they won't loan it back to us. They spend countless $$$ capturing boat people and hauling their azz's back to Haiti. All I have to say is your not getting a plug nickel from me. You F'n crooks. I can't believe I saw that and I still can believe they said "Don't send water, blankets, cloths, just send CASH." :rant_on:
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