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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. Thanks Cole my arce! That sick, demented, freak has implanted lyrics and tunes in our heads that will NEVER GO AWAY, and that rival "Little Bunny Foo Foo". Sometimes sharing IS NOT caring, it is plan ole simple Mind Control. Now he's is out there is the sticks somewhere hanging out with Bunny Foo Foo havin" some doin' some :peek: :shoot: mulies and we are all stuck here to deal with this sickness. :GWH: Thanks Cole.
  2. A couple of year ago some friends of ours who camp up where ynot does, but real close to the edge, had someones pedt pig wander into there camp. I would have been :mic: Thinking that I had drank to much, then realizing that I had not I would have
  3. :porn: Again, I thought, OMG another Dr Abby post. Replace the them both. Not the ball-n-chain. All she needs and good lube job and things will run quit smoothly.
  4. Ninja Tree dwellers. Hope you have a REALLY big sturdy tree Jodi. Those Yaccas arn't gonna hold up.
  5. Just got a call from my daughter. She has got the OK from the PR peeps at the Palms to put together a relief effort. She rocks. So lets all do what we can. Again I will say. I have an extra bedroom, room for a family pet, RV parting. It's not much, but I will help out the best I can. DDR challenge.
  6. Me too! I can separate my backyard for another dog if nessary also.
  7. 10 4 Celine Queen. I'm keepin' 'um at bay for now, however if the thous punks start Turtle Tippin' We are in the air. I'll call in the Midget Wrestlers for support. Out!
  8. Nawwwwww. There is never that much to do around my house. I don't live with anyone, and my dogs don't have thumbs so they are not much help. But I tell you this they can sure track stuff all over the place It was them that got the grease in the kitchen.
  9. What The 15 - 20 punks in your hood are now TPing the turtles. I'm calling the Turtle People. There are alot of Turtle People here in Vegas and they are not going to like this one bit. Cheese they may need yours house as a Recon Base.
  10. Lets see: Do the dishes after cooking all the food wash the clothes do the toilets Vacuum floors Mop floors Dust the furniture Windows Mirrors Feed the animals (not the human ones) etc....... I'm sure you get the picture. So tell me you would you rather do, with the exclusion of CV's and boots they really suck and the grease gets places you never went, like in the kitchen so now I have to go clean it again. I pay people to change my oil. But I did change my fuel filter.
  11. Garages arn't just for men anymore. i would rather work in my garage then be in the house cleaning ANY DAY.
  12. My question is What on earth are 15-20 minors doing roaming the streets at 2am. I would have called the PD. I also would have watched them to see if they came on my property and the taken alittle "FUN" action myself. Like letting the dogs loose "on a leash of course" or maybe a sneak attack with the hose. And yes cheese, I don't give a care what anyone says about guns, I would of had mine on me just as a precaution. You and I both know how kids can be and what they are capable of. Thats what we do for a living. So, anyone who thinks that "Preparedness" is a sign of someone wanting to think they are Bigshot, tuffguy. I most certainly am not any of those people. But all in all, The funniest part is to sneak up on them when they think they are getting way with something. And, getting them first. Most kids would get a kick out of it and laugh like he!! as they were running off.
  13. Yes it will take some getting used to. But you will love it. I have never had any problems with any of my Mac. It is all I use. OS Lepoard is out now! They make easy user manuels and their help menu is great too.
  14. Can you say Don29PALMS And all this time I though he lived there.
  15. Take it to the dunes and make a big a$$ DDR in the sand, pour the gas in it and light it up. Don't give it to bob he has enough already.
  16. The house in mine and the garage is too. I don't have to share with anybody. We always in our garages. BBQing, fixing sh*t, building stuff. watching football, playing darts, It is best for drinkin' and hanging out my my goofy neighbors. :dance:
  17. Had a really good time last time but, I don't think it was worth the $20.00 a head to get in.
  18. :beer_bang: I'm telling on you. Give me a break. :beer_bang: OK take my picture now.
  19. Who ever has Mounds Candy bars, I'm going there. And if anyone has any "W &W's"
  20. Bob you did a good thing. It's to bad you didn't get the licence number of the minivan. It makes me wonder how you walk into the side of a car going 50mph. Annnnnddddd...............I a quit surprised that this thread hasn't gone into the sh*tter with comments and jokes at the expense of this deceased young man. Like the girl that lost her feet and did know where to find them
  21. wow! Thats some good driving. Wonder whats on the other side of that hill?
  22. I like this pix. Kick off Weekend, Sunset Ride
  23. Nanny! Nanny! Nanny! I think I might have won that one! And to you to Cheese
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