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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. My girls used to dress my dogs up all time. Storm never really minded. I still put hats and things on him. He doesn't care. Birthdays were always fun with party hats, lies, etc. I have some pics, but I would have to scan them first.
  2. Birds! Many male spices adorn themselve with paper, leaves, grass and other items in order to impress and attract females. Next!
  3. I used to put my dogs in doggie play pens when I went to dog shows. Put one of those mats that people used outside their motorhomes, on the sand so their little feet don't get sore. A play pen is about 80.00 at Petsmart. Free feeders and waterers are great also. And a create for at night. Puppy is safe.
  4. That is not a human characteristic. It is the law. We wouldn't if we didn't have to. Next!
  5. Then why don't you be more specific about which human characterristics you are refering to.
  6. They have the ability to learn. My big male dog Storm who has been trained extensively know about 52 words and 15 sentences. They get sad and depressed (very human) They morn the loss of a loved one. Fact! They play. not all inferior species play. When they mature they have the mentality of a 2 to 3 year old. (that's the smart dogs) Much like children, they can be very spoiled or well behaved depending on how they were raised. Some smile. My champion female smiled, but only at people she liked. They know certain Rights from Wrongs. They will protect there young to the death if need be. (Any more question?)
  7. You can also go to TT at PTS on Horizon and Horizon on Thursday and meet some of the gang.......stas And have afew brews
  8. Just a stupid game to waste time and piss off your boss. http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g2/applegame.htm
  9. Those are the reasons dogs bite people.
  10. Make your own Spped Limit signs. Sit out there with one of those big a$$ water guns and blast them when they go by. If they b*tch about you getting them wet, just tell them you were watering to keep the dust down cause of the the azzhats that scream by at 100 mph in a camping area. I hate the people that seek in "007 style" and park their rig right behind you and you can't get your car in or out. We had somepeople pull right behind us one time and made our trailer part of their camp and tied caution tape to it to keep people out. Jerks.
  11. The Stinking, Lowlife, Jerko##, A hole, Efn Sicko Scumbag, Creep! Death is to easy for this Demented Pig efn, Slime ball. I can't wait for him the meet up with Bubba The Beast Master/ Lady of the Night, in prison and good ole Queen Bubba tears him a new one, day after day, Night after night. And the torture is so painful that he wishes death would come, but it doesn't, only the "Pain" does. I feel better now.
  12. you can't be in the club unless you have one of these
  13. I throw all of the "M's" away and feel very strong that they are all inferior. Therefore the only ones left that are fit for consumption are the "W's"
  14. Fine! I am just gonna go by one today and make Italian Meatball Subs with lots of melty cheese and homemade sauce, and you can't have any.
  15. Good cause I don't have one, But I remember the tread from last year. I remember the burnt up one.
  16. I need a little clarification. We talkin' Toaster Over or Microwave. I can cook anything in my Toaster Over. No! I don't cook meth in it. Makes it smell funny.
  17. I say we ALL sport the and sunglasses and the meet and greet on Halloween
  18. i expiramented with a few hallucinogenics in High School. I also tried some pizza once, but the olives got stuck in my nose, and the mushrooms didn't do sh*t.
  19. Yeahhhhh! I know what it is. It was just kinda of funny getting a email for my AP and seeing it in print. He said he tried it one time and had to call sick for two day cause he hurts himself doin" DDR dance. Everbody Dance Now!
  20. I received this email this morning and I was even going to open it, cause I couldn't care less about Homecoming but, there it was right in front of me. The following events are scheduled for Homecoming Week - October 15 - 19: Lunchtime Activities: Monday - Twinkie eating contest Tuesday - Tombstone Bowling Wednesday - Missing puzzle piece Thursday - DDR Dance Friday - 97.5 FM "Campus Takeover" Friday, 10/19 Homecoming Assembly - After sixth hour (12:31 - 1:16 p.m.) I was like WTF. Could they know about the Sophie Dance? Is this a new trend? Did I miss some special meeting where this decision was make by the Corporate Peters and voted into action.
  21. Circle up the wagons Haus, We gonna have a hoe down afta we ride. :boyyy: Your horse trailer is probably nicer then my house.
  22. I say bring it on. It would be fun. Horse Trailer, Horse Power. Works for me.
  23. This thread is going to He!! in a hand basket real fast. Back on topic....... The RV thing would be verly good.
  24. Then we would never see you on the sand. They wouldn't even need a banner, your car could just sit there all of the time.
  25. Is this what we are left with, a plastic wrapper of a man, hollow and empty, lost. And man with no meaning to his anymore. What has Celine don't to him?
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