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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. :beer_bang: :mc_smiley: Good one!
  2. I received the same emails when I posted my golf cart on craigs list. I just deleted it. SCAM fo sho
  3. It's the one in Henderson. Best Burgers in town.
  4. OK Cheese. Your Effed up weekend is over. Get over it and move on!. Life is to short for all the whining. Just do the Sophie Dance and you will feel much better Next time to come to Vegas be here on Thursday TT at PT's. We'll get you and yours drunk :worthless_without_pics: and make fun of Celine.
  5. Big props to you guys. We got to run with ya. Fun Fun Fun. is all I can say. Fluff on top, wet underneath. No hook ups! Good driving guys
  6. Speaking of flags. "note to self" DON'T FORGET TO LAY THE WHIP DOWN BEFORE FOR THE BUGGIE IN THE TRAILER. That will be $50.00. Thank you.
  7. Just a couple more things. Woodys dog smiles really big. That was really cute. Dune Smurfs hubby told me the history of the DDR site. (Its this going to be a long story) J/K Also about the fence issue and where they want to put it. Even showed us where out of bounds is. I wish I could have taken my golf cart.
  8. I wasn't b*tching. It is very different when you drive it in a Truck as opposed to an Old Motorhome. I like it for what it is also. What the heck is the difference. We get ther about 10 mins. later. It's all good. So don't get your panties all in a bunch!
  9. About the only thing I could tell different was the color. It was washboard as all get out. Woody flew by us , cause we were only going 15 mph. If we went any faster it would have rattled my kidneys loose. It was still dusty. The river crossing was great.
  10. They are having fuel and oil leaks. Exhaust/emmissions issues too...several have caught on fire. They have been recalling the trucks...Hope they get it squared away, Ford can't afford a 6.0 repeat disaster. A friend of mine told the very same thing. Gotta love an International, Ford I mean Ford. Once all the bugs are out I'm sure they will tow anything. Looks good Ash.
  11. Sunset Ride In this pic it looks like there is a moon in the sky. I don't think there was a moon out that night. I think that is a speck of sand looks cool thou.
  12. Yep that was them. We had a really fun ride with them. Stopped and talked with them a while. I fell off the side of the dune roled down the hill. They took off and we had to go the other way cause the car got hot.
  13. We tried to pay when we rolled in but the was a bunch a peeps standing around the machine do the , so we thought we would pay on the way out. No one was around so we left. Hate doing that. Make me feel like I am cheating someone. Whatta ya do?
  14. Primarily red cars. One had the full panel sides. One had metallic flames. I think that one was a Funco car.
  15. No Doubt! Does anyone know who they are. I think thoughs are the same guys we rode with. FAST! FAST! FAST!
  16. We were going so fast that Don's whip broke from the extreme speed! I fell out of the damn car trying to retrieve your flag for you Don!. Wheres the love? Met Ball n Chain and she showed me and kelly or husbands ba!!s. Talked about wearing it on you sleeve. Nick made It. Didn't meet firepole, I was probably standing right next to him. Pre cooked bacon rocks. Thanks for the warm welcome Sandseeker. (I think that was you) Bob has recruited Monkie to the barefoot club. Danny is antisocial, but getting better Wingnut great to see you and Tiff again.
  17. My observations: 1. It was great to run into some peeps I didn't know went to Dumont, Todd and Carol. (Our daughters are best friends and retired Cheertards.) 2. I promise I will never forget your name again Kelly. 3. Jumped in on a ride with some Funco cars. DAMN! Whoever they were they were FAST, Great ride. 4. Wheeling up Comp Hill and have the wind catch the floor panel will throw you back on the skid plate. 5. Don, If I had it my way I would have kept your flag and sold in the classified section. $200.00. :shocked2: :shocked2: 6. Small Rant! I wish quads WOULD NOT jump in on a car ride. STOP IT, please! Pulled out on the South Pole, to the North Pole ride cause of it. 7. Great sunset ride. Thanks Pete and Terry. 8. Free Microderm abrasion. (As the Sands Blow............hard!) Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! 9. I wish I would have taken more pictures. 10. Falling off the side of a dune and rolling down the hill, in front of people you don't know! (I'm ok) I felt stupid, Danny just laughted at me. October 2006 October 2007, what a change Sunset Ride
  18. Had a killer great time. The wind was not all that bad when you have Fun peeps around.
  19. My puter at school doesn't show alot of images so at work I could not see the pixs. And, I have just never heard them called that.
  20. With all if this wind and weather there are going to be alot of changes and danger zone out there. Lets all be very careful and watch out for each other.
  21. Your not gonna be there either Mr. Celine Queen :assrock: :assrock: But we'll be sure to have afew for you. Have fun in Vegas
  22. I love to dance too. I'm even a fan of Sophie. Chicky can really bust a move. Bob I'm still practicing. Don't think I'll be ready for this weekend thou. :assrock: :assrock:
  23. Thanks Terry! I'll pass it on.
  24. Man! You guys a Big Pimpin' I want some for my golfcart.
  25. Cause Celine doesn't Sandrails and drinkin' and such. And all that dirty sand is out of the question.
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