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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. We'll be camping where ever we get stuck (effn heavy stuff).
  2. 1. Instant a$$hole, just add beer. 2. I don't think you can be one Dan your just a nice guy, until someone lays on your car when it is dusty. You have to low self esteem to be a real a$$hole. It is sort of born into thing. 3. I think there is a prerequisite to be one. You had to of had to been beatin up alot as a kid and be the last on picked for the team. 4. Is your Sig. supposed to say "Go Bolts" who are the Bolts?
  3. I'm a bit confused. So, If we get a week pass for $20 then when they decide to print the season passes are we going to get credit for all the 20.00's we paid. WTF! If this happens they will get alot more money. I kinda get the feeling I'm getting This is the time of year we always get our pass.
  4. Since I have a really bad habit of saying just what is on my mind...... I would wait til they call you again and ask this person. WTF. Then refuse to help out. Stating some reason that sounds lame. They will get the point. Then refer to the time when you ask them for help and they didn't. I'm sure they will get it my then.
  5. Ohhhhhhhhhh! Chevy Chase style. Go idea!
  6. jenny or sparkie, Spot How 'bout Wheelie
  7. Thats an Australian Shepherd puppy. Where was the puppy hiding? Are you going to keep it or try to finds it owners. It could belong to one of your neighbors You have good Karma. Good job.
  8. Dont forget to ask guy to keep an on your house. We'll be there early Friday morning and leave early Sunday. Like to get home a unload everthing clean up, rest maybe catch alittle football.
  9. One of my student aides said that Gene Simmons was at Dumont this last weekend filming for his Family Jewels Show. Really? Didn't know he was a dune guy.
  10. CDC Image Naegleria fowleri: Brain-Eating Amoeba September 29 | MSNBC This summer in the United States, six young males died after being infected by Naegleria fowleri - probably while swimming. A CDC official reports a sharp increase in the number of US deaths from this brain-eating amoeba. The organism is much more active in warm waters. Perhaps this will be one of the types of infections that becomes worse as global warming progresses. This could be someones new avatar, It's the same color as Bob car.
  11. I can't wait to see everyone. Have afew Bob, I've been working on my Sophie Dance, :boyyy: :porn: Where is everyone going camp? I can't wait, I can't wait :hug: and all the fun stuff.
  12. I say leave them at home. I do. I have a had enough time keeping track of myself, much less worring about what my dogs are up to. Less Poo Poo to pick up or step in. There nothing worst then going to a camp where the dogs out number the people. :mc_smiley:
  13. I wonder how guy handled all the excitment.
  14. Are you sure do don't live in Henderson.
  15. I am alittle late with this but, I got that email last year so I would be cheating. I would like to have that poster in my gargage just as a conversation piece.
  16. Fine! Then I won't play at all. I'd just do it wrong anyway.
  17. It would so much easier if their noses just grew. I couldn't find a Pinocchio Smiley
  18. It seems early for that race. I thought is was in Oct. or Nov. last time. Well, when your it sometimes is hard to remember. I remember it was hot the last time we went. Gonna have to pass. I wanna go to the river
  19. Yip! know that one. I have aboslutely so use for anyone who lies to me. If you do, you loose Trust and Frinedship. Afew people I have no use for, and that is Lairs, Cheats and Thieves! You do any of those things to me, your done. OH! one more thing. I WILL GET EVEN! you can count on that.
  20. All I can say is EXCELLENT! Now! wheres Mama, we need some spaghetti Are there redheaded Italians?
  21. Thanks Dan I fixed it.
  22. desertskyz


    What do you do when you know, just know someone is lying to you but you can't quit prove it. I hate lairs.
  23. Fedora (hat) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A fedora, which in this case has been pinched at the front and being worn pushed back on the head, with the front of the brim bent down over the eyes.The fedora is a soft felt hat that is creased lengthwise down the crown and pinched in the front on both sides. It is said to be invented in the mid-1910s. However, the term was in use for the hat as early as 1891, and it was first resembled late in the 18th century as an upper class clothing accessory. Any hat that resembles the soft felt version is also usually called a fedora, including straw and twill ones. Similar hats with a C-crown (with an indentation for the head in the top of the crown) are occasionally called fedoras. It is usually worn by men, but ladies' versions can also be found. On some fedoras, small feathers are inserted in the band wrapped around the crown for flair. pete ya gotta get one
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