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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. All you need the complete you ensemble is a Fedora
  2. Well I talke to my boy, he said it was is first Super Moto and he got 1st place. Way to go Blane
  3. I love practical jokes. I'm the Queen of them here at my school. My new Assistant Principal was here for only 3 weeks and from the previous school and had brought some momentos from other schools. One was a stick horse with a stuffed head the whinnies when squeeze it's ear and a Chicken that does that plays the Chicken Dance song and if you squeeze its neck it makes this choking sound, yep you guess it, the chicken is call "Choking the Chicken". Well, I took said horse and chicken, OH! and a french horn, and left him a ransom note: If you ever hope to see your horn or horse again, pay up. Breakfast from Faustos for “Walker Angels” As for the chicken, it’s fate has yet to be determined. I then phoned my bosses voicemail 2 days later and left just a message with the horse making his whinny sound, then about 3 hours later I left another message with the chicken starting out singing its chicken dance song then an abrupt choking sound that it also makes. All I could hear coming from his office was this hysterical laughing. One week later we got breakfast. My boss well, he got his pets back and a freakin' hard core laugh. Good times.
  4. I can see the videos cuase it is blocked here at school, but one of my student aides and his friend competed in that. He'll be in about 9:00. Can't wait to see how it went for him.
  5. Men In Black Dunefreak: "The difference between you and me, I make this look good"
  6. I'm over it! Back to the thread. Any one going to the car show? With all of this rain, I wonder how the burn out contest will go. Cubby Checker is going to be proforming this evening :fro_smokin: I didn't know he was still alive.
  7. Thats mean, childish, and rude. I'll just stay away That was a personal attack. DON'T DO THAT
  8. Anyone heading down to the car show on Water St. this weekend.
  9. Why can't you people let this thing go.
  10. :fro: Hummm.... can you say BORED! How long did it take the type the finger? See how easy that was. Thanks for the history lesson. Cheese is gonna get mad thinkin' you might know more then him. :fart:
  11. OJ is the richest bankrupt man in America. Take him and feed him to Monkies Croc. now that would be justice. Burn all the books.
  12. Hope everyone will be sportin their "Official" DDR finery. T-shirts and tank top, baby clothes and such.
  13. One of the reason we camp alone is we can never leave camp without someone, or 2, or 3 wanting to go. Then once they get to they want to go all the time. It is hard to Danny to say no. Those cars suck alot of gas so it start to cost alot for us. I don't think he would take a stranger. To much liability. The last time we took our friend railing up Comp hill, she when we got back. I . But she is my best friend to she didn't get mad at me. Just told me to get her a .
  14. I take it all back. I had NO idea what I was talking about. I guess I was thinking of something different. Danny and I were talking about again last night and he, "just shook his head , grab a beer and said very quietly, she doesn't get it. " But, after a short time I did start to a a small understanding I'll stop talking now. :boyyy:
  15. I think I'm turning "Dumb Blonde"
  16. Ken you know better, this goes in Meet and Greet. Your working to hard and starting to lose it. Hi Ken.
  17. They use them on boats also, but again, they a very light. My friend and I were talking about them on cars the other day. Please explain further what make them "no so good" on cars. Is it because to the weight of the car and the torque?
  18. AND HE WAS SITTING IN IT!! How far is too far?? What can a person do?? RIGHT! that was just one of RK's Invisifriends. No worries! He will go away.
  19. OK Pete, I'm gonna have to give this one to you. At about 5:30 I got it. I could have seen you, looking at what I wrote and shacking your head, " she just doesn't get it " I DO NOW! and all I can say is " freaking idiot, gawd" What???? I can't make a tent. It's not something I think about, unless it benefits me.
  20. -duniemonkie and I saw some dude sleeping in his underwear on the beach in Newport while pitching a tent Hummm............ WOW! thats pretty cool. I've never seen anyone Sleep Tent Pitching before. And in their underware ta boot.
  21. Put a Female blowup doll in his chair, then put a chair in you yard with a Male blowup doll. Put a sign on your Male blowup doll that says. "Show me yours and I'll show you mine"
  22. IT'S A DAMN FIRE EXTINGISHER? Great..........How come nobody TOLD ME?
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