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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. I thought it was the Sophie dance you liked. Did the name get changed to protect the innocent?
  2. I so thought something was going to blow up. Ya know what, I Leaf Blower my dogs all the time. They love it. Mine blows 230 mph.
  3. No Way! If we are talkin' RICHARDCHEESE. His head is aready to big now he has his Masters and Demands to be called Misa Masah Cheese. Then pretty soon Bob will want one then me then Chase etc.....
  4. Shut up! Your never gonna win the Prize! Give it up dude. J/K
  5. Monkie I thought you had a cold. I guess Mexico fixed it. Pic #3
  6. Fidddy, Honey, I like you and OH YES! you have only pissed me off a couple of times. But, I let it go cause your just a young manchild. I really loved the Cuella Davil thing. But, being who I am, REVENGE is what I do. I know it's not right. But Damn! it makes you feel soooooo much better. 2 wrongs don't make a right! 2 wrongs don't make a right! I know, I know. I just love getting even. Not in a Vandalism kinda way. I would NEVER mess someone's stuff up. But Oh yes! I would get revenge. This probably is not a DDR friendly thing. Sorry, Just me!
  7. Fiddy. That really sucks. I hope you can get the door fixed. Messing up someones stuff because you are mad is just Childish and against the law. Vandalism is no way to handle a dispute. It just goes show you what a cowards this people are. Pay back is a B*tch. What they did will come back on them for sure.
  8. Mocha fo sho Then it is pretty much Shrimp, Crackers, Dip, Burgers. Hotdogs, Steak, What ever I can PACK into the motorhome. Ya never know what you might what to eat. So I just bring it all.
  9. :shocked2: Post this in Joke of the Day. Please :shout: I'm practicing my Admin Skills
  10. What about "Women" We need another 30 at least to take care of the sh*t man didn't.
  11. 1. First and foremost: Damn It Cheese! why are you making fun of my Boy...person, neighbor,guy,friend? Your just mean 2. Didn't we run this thread once before? 3. How bad can a Mullet be! It gives us someone to cap on. It "Cap On" the right slang for these days :porn:
  12. Is there a point to this tread, cause if there isn't then people are wasting their time. Then everyone could be out driving their rails but, they're still sleeping trying to get over this silly thread. Did I do it right?
  13. :whacky101: I lost it when I was walking out of the park. Prove the I have "said" ball.
  14. I didn't read all the posts but, I would have voted for the chick with all the damn Kids. Now there is some management skills. And she like to. well you know........... If none of this make sense. I have a a rough week and 2 more to go so, My opinion does not count for two weeks. OK! :whacky101:
  15. I personally don't know ANY of theses crazies. I just come on here to practice my typing. But welcome anyway: in a way. Always remember The Nuts Are Free
  16. Whoops sorry, my Toga slipped. I hate it when that happens
  17. They did make for a pretty cool sunset last night.
  18. What did one Al Quida father say to the other: Oh look at ours sons, don't they blowup so fast!
  19. OK ENOUGH! This is a family show. Can't you put a toga or something on it. Toga! Toga! :shocked2:
  20. I have some friends that take their cat. It cleans up after it's self. Awww! No more Road Kill Kitty Smilie
  21. Apple....... Tree Do the math
  22. Photoshop is a huge program. It takes up alot of space. (it's best to have a mac) I have it and still can't use it to it's fullest potential. That why I have my daughter.
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