I've only seen Super Trooper twice, and it has been awhile.
Pull over, Pull over
I am pulled over
Pull over
I am pulled over, he is pulled over
Doesn't the kid in the back seat eat a bunch of acid.
I don't take my dogs. They are to big of a pain in the arce. We visited a camp once where the dogs damn near out numbered the people. I don't think is a good idea to take them.
We gotten a little
You know it is summer when.............. you can grow this in your garden. I did last summer. Really I couldn't beleive it. I :argue: and had to take some pics of it.
Thanks everyone. I sent my daughter 4 pics and showed her same sigs. that dunefreak had done and she put it together for me. Pete put it up on my signature.
OK, you guys know you were thinking the same thing. I just said it! Whooops..
ok I won't say anything bad again.
you were still thinking the samething.
1. Roll her in some flour and find a........................spot
2. Can't finda a ..............spot than a wrinkle
3. That like Footed Sabertooth Pennus Wigglie might like something like that.
Deal with it!
Add a Big A$$ DDR sticker to the back window
Take off all the stuff. Side rubber, Ford emblems, everything. Thats what I did with my truck, make it look really clean, just cant park next to anyone.
I need an Invisalife right now!
I am so stressed. I don't get this way very often.
No Smart A$$ comments please, I am not in the mood and you might really see the
"Nasty B*tch" in me. Thanks Pete
Can I have a couple of beers please.
The doc gave me some new meds so I will be returning to my normal self now.
But I am sure I will still have my Tourettes Moments. :shout: This can not be helped just tolerated.
Bob you can have my Midol. I have better stuff now.