1. Vegas Valley and Nellis is like a Third World Country.
2. The recycle center is it's own Third World Country.
3. Up Vegas Valley is GIANT trailer park.
4. Guy driving up the street with a Skull hitch receiver cover that the eyes light up red when he puts on the breaks, and a Koolieo chrome light cover over the light above the rear window of this truck had TRD cut out on it. Hummm....... does that not spell out like "Tard" Dee DA Dee!
5. The is a new RideNow Powersports store opening on Boulder and Russell. Wonder what they are going to carry. The store is huge.
6. White girls should NOT go to the recycle center alone. :freakin_nuts: Bunch of effn perv's.
7. Was is worth 100.05. I'll say yes. It will pay for my gas to the river. :freakin_nuts:
8. Entertainment value. * * * 1/2 stars OR 5 beers what ever comes first.
9. 7-11 has Tangerine/Lime Sluprees. YUMMM. I wanna go get one now.