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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. My ex taught me about that game. :porn: He seemed to like it alot. When I was a Kid we used to add that in with "Smear the Quire", I think I still have scares from those days. A HIDE AND SEEK TEAM. You have got to be kidding.
  2. Good lord, you used to be a cop. :rainbow1: And you traded that all in to become a Mexican Midget Wrestler!
  3. When little Princess "B" was 16 and I got so sick of running her to work, cheer, school, girlfriends, mall, etc. She wanted to drive my truck. Auh...... "He!! No!" So my friend found this car in Boulder, told me about it, It was a 95 Toyota Corolla. One owner, low miles, $2800.00. Thought I would surprise her with it. I was the one who was surprised cause, She didn't like, She wanted a truck. What she really wanted was for me to sell her my truck and I could just "Buy a New One". What? :rainbow1: 4 months later she surprised me by calling me from Florida, on the day she was to return, and told me she was moving there with Million Dollar Daddy. Cool, No more Kids. She moved and called me about a month later and wanted to fly out and get HER car. I said, "Humm......I don't have it anymore. She is like, What? Mom that was MY car, What did you do with it? Heres the good part. I sold it to a guy who sells Golf Carts and bought a Golf Cart from him. Boy was she pissed
  4. Ummmm Hummm! that's what I'm talkin' 'bout. Chicks rock! :porn: Next Game, bring it on Good lord, I don't think I have a life.
  5. Good, Very Good! Today is last day of Summer School. Tomorrow is just pack up school. Then I am on vacations. Than :angry2: and try to make to the river. Lost Lake. For some more.
  6. Myself, my dogs and the Grandpuppy all survived last weekend. She went home a bit matted from all the sprinkler fun Whoops did I forget for brush her 3 times aday. She fail Pool 101 tho. HATED IT! RUNAWAY! All in all it turned out OK.
  7. Ain't knowone Pimpin' nutin' 'round here no mo but me and my new coat. :dunce:
  8. Bob we didn't know that about you! Wow your quit the
  9. That's right . Gonna open my own biznass in Parhump and put Heide Flice out of business. Be pimpin' in my coyote coat. A Hah! Thats what I talkin' 'bout. Just gonna have to find some nice looking Man 'hoes. That wanna work.
  10. They make a bada$$ coat if you can get the hides while they are in winter coat. I would love to have a coyote coat.
  11. I like Bobcats. I think they a beautifull. To bad it had to die. It really is not the animals fault they do what they do. It is us humans moving in on what was their home.
  12. I was just kidding 'about the fridge thing Does it have a bathroom of sorts. It is gonna be fun as heck. Not having to take two trucks :eatdrink021: My ex and I used to have to do that sometimes. The people acrossed the street take two every time they go to Dumont. They seems to almost like it.
  13. NO more sleeping in the truck bed on quick Dumont trips!! I like the "Fridge Tied to the Back" idea! Easy to get beer that way. :ahhhhh:
  14. You guys really had a good time. :ahhhhh: I wish I could have gone. I just don't want drive way out there all by myself. Have afew beers then have to drive back to Hendertucky. I havn't had a chance to check out the video. It is blocked a school. I check them at home.
  15. My question is, Where was the propane tank this whole time?
  16. I think they are call line wrenches. Oh well, who cares. I don't have any anyway.
  17. Oh! I got it. I think it was by accident. Just be careful about what you push and when. And under so circumstance don't do it while drinking. I'm at 32 and just waiting to get it right.
  18. How come someone didn't tell me about that wrench that goes around the tube and then just fits on the nut. Boyz I am a girl and need to learn. Damn it! That wrench would have be very helpful to break it away. I only have the common ones.
  19. No problem. I'll change the air in the tires too.
  20. Oh! dear God. Yes IT was very tight. One last thing. If that didn't fix the problem I be coming down to see you guys Pete. Check Valve problem. Had if fixed once before.
  21. I did use two wrenches. I was just really tight. Fuel in the face. Lesson Learned. But I didn't that much would come out. OK Cheese. Bring it on I'm a mechanic now. Gonna head on down to the race tonight and see if they need any help.
  22. I got 'er done. It ws a little harder than I thought. Breaking the bolts loose was hard. Rules: 1. pull down on one bolt and up on the other 2. Most importantly don't lay right under the damn thing. gas burns when you get in your face. The plastic bracket that holds the filter broke. Hummmmm gotta get a new one. It looks hard to change. Square bolts.
  23. I have to change the fuel filter in my truck and only have a vague idea of how it is done. Could someone shoot me the schematics on where it is and how it is done. I have a 2000 Chevy Silverado 1500. I have the tools and the filter.
  24. You think I'm falling for the crap again. I'm still not done with the other one yet. On Stage 32
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