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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. But......... "Who's Your Daddy" is OK. You never hear chicks say "Who's your Mommy". One of the things I hate most is people who are NEVER wrong, have done everything, and it is always someone elses fault.
  2. Now she can really be Foot Loose and Fancy Free.
  3. Drive and talk on my cell phone. "f" no Hell! I can hardly walk and chew gum at the same time. <<<<<<< What does this mean. :worthless_without_pics: Looks like he f*rted and is getting the stuff out.
  4. And Pete thinks he's goin' to hell!?! You are sooooooooo bad. :worthless_without_pics:
  5. She just tendin" the herd. Funny sh*t
  6. desertskyz

    My new toy

    whoa! I wish I could buy one of those for my freind. But................... I don't think 1000.00 is worth it. I mean fun is fun. But.........
  7. This is sucking huge So What. We're gonna make more dust than the race. A holes. We all know what this is really about. So Fat A$$ developer don't want his grade stakes pulled up. Cause he needs to build a Master Plan Community with lots of parks and play grounds. So there is no more dust. A$$ HOLE THIS IS THE DESERT. IT IS DUST. GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM. ok I'm over it.
  8. I think that they should do that in this city with about 5 houses around town.
  9. I think Pipline is open. If you take College or Greenway all the way out. Your pretty safe. They told us last year that pipeline was ok. Look I so sometimes I get get my dates, times, places ALLL mixed up.
  10. We are soooooooooo going to be there like always. Taking the black blazer out pipeline road to a spot we know well and be undercover. It hella good times.
  11. I did it i finally effn did it. Sh*t. I'm not playin that stuff any more. :angry2:
  12. I have Red Box cd url 2 batteries 2 rings rod cord 2 keys Is there 3 keys and where it the 3rd. I have my code. Safe still won't open. I cleared my cookies and now I'm gonna lose my cookies. I give up. this game is CRAZY!
  13. That a Meth Lab. See the scale
  14. I can't seem to get the URL right. what is it.
  15. clean the house a little bit Maybe take the shocks apart again. Gotta get bigger springs. That what he says But more than likely I'll just
  16. :no_no: :whacky101: OMG I friggin love it. It is my fav so far.
  17. This might be your best bet if your not familiar with a Mac Sorry I had to do this. I just found while shopping It say hello! ChiaMac. it didn't turn out has big out as big as I thought. sorry
  18. Sometimes I take this down to the creek For a little fishin'. This here is my havorite rod
  19. Sounds fun but, the fire thing on probably a no no :no_no: or any thing that can cause a spark of any kind.
  20. Back on the road Again - .38 Special Kinda more driving music. I can drink to just about any music but Rap :shoot_head: or Classical.
  21. This game is alittle mad crazy yip yip :ahhhhh: I just don't havealot of time to devote to it.
  22. Judge Stewart Bell is going to be my in-law this time next year. My daughter and his son are going to get married.
  23. Yep he'll be dancin' and a singin and his little heart to to Celins songs. Don't gamble tho. Save your money for
  24. I was wondering if they were going to put some sort of Slurry Seal on it or Tack Oil or something.
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