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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. OK I didn't proof read it or spell check it so good luck. :blonde:
  2. 17611-HB2-000 rUB.. fR. fUEL tANK <<<< whoops lock caps. 77210-HB2-000 Cushion 77212-HB2-000 Cushion A
  3. Me too. Wonder if we can get a bulk deal on parts for to DDR members. I wonder if these parts people (cause most of us are use the same ones) are wonder Why are so many parts going the Henderson, Las Vegas area. Do they have a club or something
  4. You guys are so great thank you so much for all of your advice. I am so appreciative that you guy scan come to my house, do it for me and I'll buy the beer and steaks. LOL The tank was wash yesterday and a my neighbor said he used a chain as his medium. No sure what type of cleaning solution he used. He works at Fisher Space Pin so I'm guesings it is some good stuff. I can still see rust on the bottom. God only knows who has owned this thing.. There was only like 5 bolts holding the whole bike together. Dude says to me when I go to pick it up. "Man we've tried like hell to tear this thing up and it just keeps on going." I'm like :?: you don't tell people that. I have a few pics of the tear down, but will try to get a pic of the inside of the tank tonight. Gotta order more parts also. But first I have to wrap presents for the grand kids and get them ready to send to FL. I hate wrapping presents. However, I'm gonna be the coolest grandma around when they was they got.
  5. I worry about putting the acid in the tank because it is pretty rusty on the bottom and I am not sure how thin it has gotten. If it eats a hole through it then I'm screwed and have to by a new one. I'll see if I can get a pic of the bottom and post it up. The Kreem tank sealer sounds good, but doesn't the tank have to be perfectly clean?
  6. I have lights around my house, in my palm tree, and around my garage door. also have the tree up with lights (no decorations) and a couple of decoration in the house. I used to go all out with little villages, candles, pillows, towels. etc. Screw it now. I've got a 70 to rebuild.
  7. Don't be half the parts I need are out of stock. Set Screw and the cushion pads for the rear seat and the gas take.
  8. I have to replace to rear brake pads. And quite honestly, I have know Idea what I'm doing. I got off the wheels and the cover around the brake., now I need to take pins and all that stuff off. but once that is done I have to get to the shoes. I did get the cover off. (stupid bolts, 3 12mm and 3 10mm) anyway, I can't figure out how to get that cover (as seen in this pic) off. I know this is easy for you guys, but I have never done this before, so it takes A LOT longer. I guess I'm just whining. Did get the gas tank cleaned. It still looks like yukie inside to me. But I was told, just buy some new filfters, run it then change the filters again and I should be good for awhile. How about a new take? 190.00 for a new one. not sure yet.
  9. those things are so cool. Where do you get them and how much are they? My Peeps would love one.
  10. Parts are ordered. I have become obsessed :atc: time to go clean the cables and maybe take the tank off. It is a mess :xmas2: I need a beer
  11. OK I am getting a little frustrated. I thought I was looking in the Tip and Tricks threat and wingnut put up some links. Well again I thought I was looking at a site where they had round canister air filters and a carb rebuild kit on sale. Now I can't find the damn site. I thought it was dratv.com but I couldn't find what I was looking for. :xmas2:
  12. There you go again. Have you always been an over achiever
  13. I sure hope your right. I just printed it. Thanks again.
  14. Contact Pat aka Sandawg. He helped map out the Mojave Desert back in the day. I beleive he has some books also. Just click on his name and you can PM him. (Personal Message). Real nice guy and would love to help you in your quest. Hell, he may want to go with you. Skyz Edit: Just click on this link, scroll down a little way, and on the right side it says. send personal message http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...p?showuser=3374
  15. check out the manual it was for 85 and earlier. Mine is a 1987. How do I get a manual for the year.
  16. Thanks mang! You Rock :atc: <<<<< mine has 4 wheels
  17. I am ordering some random part for my 70, and was wondering if McMart is a good place. I also need an owners manual. TODAY! I want to work on it this weekend. I'm going to be ordering A LOT of random parts.
  18. runs great. starts first pull. Needs some cleaning up fo sho. Been :B rigged in afew places, but that can be fixed.
  19. most stuff can be fixed. But I do need a good source for part, etc. It gonna be fun
  20. HELL NO! But you love it. Ya gonna make to the Regatta
  21. It seems that I have become the of these jokes. I'm not 70 though I feel like it sometimes. And I will be at the regatta. Race? Ride and play heck ya. Will see. It not nice to pick on people.
  22. Well I guess I did it this time. Not a 3 wheeler, but I'm sure I will be safer with 4 wheels. it was 300.00 :hatdance: Guy says he did know why he was getting so many call son this thing. I said, well it's a long story. Gonna need some work, but it start first pull can purrrrrs like a big kitten I want ASAP now plastics, K&N filter, my friend is gonna make a couple of mod's. to it. Will see there is a ton of stuff I can do, (clearing throat) he can do. New muffler the list goes on and on. Clean cables, change oil and rinse out, shorten fuel line, the plastic are kinda jacked up especially the back. The seat is good shape just needs to be put on right. I'm going to start to take it apart tonight and take it from there. Where can I get new plastic's and how much? The pic's could be better, but I took them at 6:15 this morning and was in a rush to get to work.
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