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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. In responce to ALL of the above. I have this. I made me cry. The following is the hottest thing on the internet and on Fox News today. Lizzie Palmer who put this YouTube program together is 15 years old. There have been over 3,000,000 hits as of this morning. In case you missed it, here it is.
  2. What if you called Butches Speed Shop. I think Dan used to get his fuel from him. He maybe abel to tell you where to find one.
  3. I love seeing all the pix. Looks like everyone had a good time. But of them all I like this one. It kinda looks like he is feeding little animals and is afraid to get to close. Dude they are just little kids, they don't bite that often and only smell funny late in the day
  4. My friend is looking for a tracker or sami also. But sh*t people think these things are made of gold. Crap we don't care if barely runs.
  5. Building a car from frame up is taxing but soooooo gratifying Good job keep the pix coming
  6. I think you should be able to stay home with pay. Yeah Know! you have to keep it elavated and iced.
  7. Is this not fun or what! Are you doing any of the work yourself. Because that is MOST gratifying. Car looks gooooood.
  8. Good Job! No harm done. I am glad you went. But what sucks................ You can't drink I am happy your gonna be better. See, Friends are the best. We care :hug:
  9. Again! I NEVER have a problem opening anything. I also run MS office. Things just look different. You will rarely here Mac people bash PC people. Because we have to knowledge to work both platforms. PC people just don't get it. It will be different at first and if you run Tiger as you Operating System. It is Bada$$ Just go check it out and play with alittle at the store.
  10. Oh My! Let me think. !. Jump back on my Bow Flex and get a tight a$$. Twice a week and cardio twice a week 2. Be nicer (thanks SMURF) people think I'm a b*tch. I'm doing OK here. I just have no tact and say what is on my mind. I call them my Terates moments. 3. Run alot more with my dogs. I was but I hurt my foot really bad. I need to get a bike now. 4. Find a new friend. Yes Christie (you rock) 5. Way more home improvements. I do have the powertools. Yepper! 6. New veggie garden (given) they are so fun. OH YEAH! right now I have Corn, Yellow Squash, tomatoes, and a bunch of other stuff. 7. Get an NOS bottle for my Golf Cart. (You'll understand when you see it) Nope not yet. 8. Love who I am :laughoff: Until I have a moodswing :fro: Then start all over.
  11. I'm gonna have to jump in on this. Mac's are the only way to go. They take alittle getting used to but in the long run you will love it . One you go Mac you'll never go Back I am accustom to using both platforms and my PC is OK but you gotta worry about viruses all the dame time I have had Mac's for 17 years and NEVER once had a virus. I think it's the Fire Wall....
  12. It's funny you should bring this up again. Danny has a humming bird nest in his tree and we have been watching it from little tiny witsy eggs to now. There are little tiny witsy humming birds. They are soooo cute. I have been taking some pics of them. Maybe I can try to post them.. Anyway........ That makes me happy.
  13. Try to hook up with some peeps at Coral Pink. Dumont? We'll probably order it and hang out at the pool.
  14. Well let's see Redo shock again Test for leak down Weld floor tab. New, better bolts and Nylocks. Maybe they fall out this time. Inner boot replace bushings Pool and Lost Lake. Maybe some home improvement stuff.
  15. Can't wait to Not see it.
  16. give them feed corn that has been soaking in beer for 24 hrs and if they roost on your house they just get drunk fall off the roof :beatup: That is effn funny
  17. I love helping people. Just Old Peeps. NEVER give money to anyone. Not even at wedding, b-days, nope. I help people "kids" for a living.
  18. <<<<<<<------------------- just a 49oz
  19. So you quite working out and turned into a colored man Dude! So now I supoose you want all the white chicks.
  20. <<<<<<<<<<------------------------ please
  21. You were doing a "right" thing A pay if forward kinda thing. He was going a "Wrong" thing. Karma is going to come back and bite him in the a$$. So cheer up grumpy have a Something good is going to happen to you this weekend.
  22. Don't bogart that joint my friend! I forget where that came from. Cheech and Chong maybe.
  23. My dad used to go out and lay on the ol Air Horn on our truck. No it wasn't at Semi. We and 10 mins to get home.
  24. Hummmmm........... It wasn't an accident. This gentleman was chosen. so I doubt we will hear much more. :redhat:
  25. Is that a KTM bike. It kinda looks like the way the headling and front are?
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