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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. You guy are killin" me Lets have some Tea and Crumpets. you POMPOUS A$$
  2. I am having some bad Browser issues with my puter. It is not typing what I say. " I have a mac"
  3. I am having some bad Browser issues with my puter. It is not typing what I say. " I have a mac"
  4. Why won't let this thing let me say " ######" Cause she is full of it.
  5. Hey Little One! You are full of energy, and fun, and ######! U don't bother me a bit. Until you start messin' (in fun with my man) Just be vey careful. Maybe we should have a talk. I have 3 daughters.
  6. ALL tatoos should be very personal. Mine, I had to it hide from my X for 4 days. It was just something I had to do. Can't get a pic, It is an Eagle Feather behind my left ear. NO BODY would understand, but I do. Thats the Glory of it.
  7. Thanks Monkie for the help and interest in the Pit puppy. With any luck we'll find who he belong to. You otta see him, he is soooo cute. I take some pix and pot them.
  8. Well Travis have I been forgiven. No more :argue: :dance:
  9. Danny got the ignition switch fixed in the Motorhome. Now we just have to figure out what to do with this Pit bull puppy. We have signs up but............. I say call Animal Cotrol. He's afraid they will put him down. I say, "Yep they probably will"
  10. Pete, Pete who I was talking about Peter Pan, He/She is English you know. Just a joke. Didn't mean to to drag no one into to nothin. " Subject should be Closed.
  11. Thanks for bringing it to the top again. I was hoping if got pushed down far enough he might not notice. It really is no big deal. Travis and I had a little Tit for Tat PM section last night a worked it all out. Would you like me to forward them to you.
  12. I know what you mean. We were following a road or what appeared to be one and all of the sudden we were in the middle of someones camp. We made our apologiez and backed out. One camp by the last finger had like 4-5 trucks blocking off their camp taking up a 3 acres. A little excessive if you ask me. You can come drive into our camp and time too. All we're gonna throw is (Throw down a couple of and maybe some horseshoes.)
  13. I hope now that everything is cleared up and yes A Very Nice Set Up indeed. I'll bet that photo shot took hours and a couple of Calfornia Dusters to keep it clean. Was that trailer shown on here a few months ago. BTW I don't think Pompous is going to fit anymore. Don't you have to Be Old, Wealthy, English, Drink Tea, Eat Crumpets and be Stuffy to be a Pompous A$$. I doubt that he fits the bill Have I redeemed myself yet
  14. There is that trailer again. I remember that one from afew months ago.
  15. I think you may have gotten yourself a new name. All in fun That word Pompous is pretty silly. Good luck and have fun with the new family. Skyz
  16. OK Travis your are not a Pompous A$$. Your not old enought to be one. Glad all is good. And yes, the next time we are out there, WE WILL stop and say HI to you first. Skys is OK just doesn't have alot of tact. That's what my mom always said. I always got in trouble for saying just what was on my mind. Pete is gonna be pissed of at me.
  17. Maybe that was it. I remember something about him rolling a car. I really the Orange one.
  18. Heah! thats him. I haven't seenhim around for a while. That is a nice care too. REALLY nice.
  19. Is he still around, and does he still have that car. I understand he rolled it down comp and was able to drive it away. I thinkit was last year.
  20. I'm with you. However, I think Dman and Freak are a shoe in. :gayboy: My guy wears a 32 but, he'd tell me He's a very private guy. Oh! one more guy, Travis and his Bada$$ self and Triple Rotar.
  21. I'm sure to some people he is a nice guy. God know he has big bucks and is very successful. How ever when we were starting to build the car, we were going to use him for stuff and maybe some "friendly Advise" give the guy some business. He was Super nice on the phone then we meet up with a the dunes one time and introduced ourselves. He say's "Oh! yeah, I remember talking to you on the phone." And turned his back like we weren't the. "Effn' rudest person I have ever been around. His son was very sick at the time so maybe that had something to do with it. His friend with the 2 seat Tatum that was Orange and silver, well he was pretty nice and informitive. On a good note. That is some bada$$ stuff he has.
  22. Hey Fiddy, You should have up this in Shows, Expos, etc. Went there a few months ago. Very cool stuff, but NOT worth the $20 a head to get in.
  23. We picked up a EZ up Frame. Just left there. Thank goodness "Boy" likes to collect metel.
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