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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. :angry2: Bob has lost it. See ya at Hog Heaven! I like the "Breakfast Club" idea . Are girls allowed, bras or not?
  2. I AM ON IT! my boyfr......person, neighbor, guy, friend. Is thinkin" Hog Heaven for a quick fix That means I cook less.
  3. We Are in. Anyone else? That makes two.
  4. How was I suppose to know. He didn't say. Did he?
  5. No Kidding I can't imagine what people will be thinking. :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley: Oh! thats the "Invisirail" Can't leave him out. :mc_smiley:
  6. If it's a sequential tranny, they kinda clunk.
  7. Awwww! our into weiners and english bull dogs. They are really cute.
  8. Awwww! our into weiners and english bull dogs. They are really cute.
  9. Sprocket Link Grip Braaaappppp! Hell I don't know
  10. Fk! Man! I don't what to say. :ahhhhh: Glad you are OK. Your gonna feel it tommorw. Damnit Stupid people Stupid should be painfull.
  11. It's Hooka to you B*tchezzzzz :mc_smiley:
  12. Thats where we are gonna camp too. See you there
  13. PT's has bada$$ burgers. Next time I gonna get one. OGP is really nice. He listens to my sh*ttalk. Chase really isn't a dwarf .................is he It's ok fiddy :mc_smiley:
  14. PEOPLE!!! WTF You guys are WAY :mc_smiley:
  15. I left before you got there Maybe thats why you didn't seem cranky. I'm :whacky101: THAN WHO THE HE!! WAS SITTING NEXT TO OGP. I think altizmers(or however you effn spell it) is setting in
  16. One more thing One young chicky made someone abit nervous.
  17. My observations of TT 1. Steveo isn't that fat. :worthless_without_pics: J/k 2. Guys know way more about cars than girls. :worthless_without_pics: 3. Skyz can't walk in hooka boots 4. Chase is shorter that I thought he'd be (almost dwarf like). J/k nice kid. Maybe I'm to tall 5. Pete hates given up tho's stickers 6. ISSB didn't seem cranky. ' :worthless_without_pics: 7. dman should bring Mike with him. :whacky101: 8. SandSnake quit smoking and didn't get fat. (How the he!! you do that) :worthless_without_pics: Nothing earth shattering. I wasn't there that long. :worthless_without_pics:
  18. See! I did show up :whacky101: Mutha Bitchezzzzzz Good times.
  19. Yep! I'll bet someone in the "Family" offed her somehow.
  20. Hope to find you out there "Story Teller Bob" Can't wait to see the car. You guys all have perdy cars. Ours is just unfinished (for Now)
  21. I have "Good News" The coils are in and Danny is going to pick them up today or tomorrow. Shocks going back on this weekend. See everyone Prez Day Weekend
  22. All I will say it will go as fast as I want it to. MMMMMMMMMMMMM ????????? Hummm! you got somethin' up your sleeve.
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