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Everything posted by Kimbrelie

  1. Hello everyone, I apologize for not getting back on to update everyone. Good NEWS... Uncle comes homeward from Vegas tomorrow! His hip surgery Iweds) went well and he was up on a Walker in a little over 24hr. (unbelievable). He gets another Hellicopter ride tomorrow from Vegas to Norton (maybe he can actually watch this time...I know bad but true.)then to a rehab for about a week. OUR WHOLE FAMILY would like to Thank all of you for your Prayers and Thoughts. You will see his Son in Law (Paul)out there Turkey Week in Uncle's truck (Top Dog) and 5th wheel be sure to say Hello. And seriously Thanks again!!! Sincerely, Kim
  2. Hello Everyone, GOOD news he has been moved from trauma icu to a step down unit. and surgery is scheduled for next tuesday on his hip. then a transport homeward... yay! My Grandmother and My Aunt (his wife) are there all week. Myself and some of his fly'buddies have been visiting when we can. I have let him know about this site and DDR's (thank you) and it made him happy to know soooo many people care. You all have been awesome and WE THANK YOU. Maybe someday we can meet out at the Dunes! He would love it! PEACE, Kim
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