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About painterjoe

  • Birthday 04/16/1973

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    Extreme Performance Eco1 sandrail
  • Location
    Sol Ca.
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Toyota MotorSales
  • Hobbies
    Sand, Sand, and more Sand. Oh, and custom painting too.

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  1. Sweet!! Michael just told me to text you to find out when it's going to be!!!!
  2. Was one of the best dune trips in a long time. Great weather, great scenery, and some awesome dune runs led by Pete. Too bad it was a short weekend, could have used a few more days out there.
  3. I'll be there!!!!!!! I think............
  4. HAHA!!!!!! I think i might of even forgotten how to get there. Gonna have to google it
  5. I don't like that spot Pete, pick another 😎
  6. Oh man..........How very sad.....thoughts and prayers to his family. Rest in peace Bert.
  7. I'm in!!!! perfect excuse for a guys trip! !!
  8. Tried it a couple months ago.............. every time I'd try to download an app it would fail. Deleted it.
  9. There was a bad accident on the north end of the dunes on Fri. late afternoon, Not sure exactly what happened but it looked Like 2 motorcycles were involved. Saw the rangers heading over there fast and went to check it out, Saw the paramedics doing CPR on one guy, got a bad feeling and didn't feel like watching. Went back to camp and about 15 min later the fire pickup came out of where they were still doing compressions on him. One of the rangers said the helicopter was coming in, took that as a good sign but heard later he didn't make it. Very sad........
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