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Everything posted by indasand

  1. The heck with bad parenting. Don't drink a twelve pack, write a book and post on DDR then come back the next day and read it... oh and... Dukes of Hazzard rocks ha ha
  2. Just keep in mind a dead cell in a battery will still provide twelve volts to show you it is charged enough using your haulers monitor... but not enough amps to do anything like start a gen... this happened to me last season.... all it took was a good meter to prove to me my battery was toast... wait maybe that was the boat ?? Anyways just double check the battery any way you can... In this Nevada heat they go quick
  3. I'm not sure how to explain the difference between responsable adults and those who make decisions that result in putting other people in harms way but I'll try to use myself as an example, maybe I'm wrong but... My son has 7 yrs riding experience... from a PW50 to his current KX65 he is twelve years old...If I help him start it, he can ride my WR426 (until he has to stop LOL to short) he can operate my YFZ450 and run my 300HP boat all around Lake Mead... Teaching him how to operate these toys is the easiest part... setting a responsable example is the hardest.... On my bike, the dry lake bed only no one else around... On my quad pretty much the same thing but I let him ride it at dumont but camp only and no circles of death for the next guy/camper.... as far as the lake we are the only boat as far as the eye can see in the off months and no docking/trailering yet (we practice on the floating restrooms, yuk)... I am allways right there no matter what... If I am putting anyone in harms way it is my son and only in the most controled enviroment as I can possably create... If I had a rail you bet he would drive it but guess what we would be in the middle of knowhere and on flat ground... Don't get me wrong he drives me nuts with the "Dad can I's" and I continue to tell him not yet there are too many people around or your not old enough to make decisions that affect the safety of others... Boy I'm rambling.... So anyways... If you see a little kid on a 450 at Dumont just make sure you also see the Dad right there yelling slow down!! and stop going in the same circle over and over and no you can't hit the dunes on my quad....well not yet... When he is in the dunes on his KX he is right in line with me and his brothers all on two wheels and of course way north where there is fewer people and risk.. both for us and others...
  4. Well I am not much of a hiker unless forced into it... but love to take the 4X out for quick puts to Lovell Canyon when there is some snow on the ground... Laughlin has got to be the best all around trail riding area for only being an hour from my house. single track for bikes and all the trails a SXS, quad or jeep can handle... just don't go in the hot summer months... der... The mohave trail takes you to barstow i think.... But getting out of vegas i love logandale and for a weekend trip there is nothing better that duck creek Utah that I have been too.... Well except for the Big Bear area but I don't have a jeep for those trails....
  5. not even turning over???? You may have batteries with some dead cells.... charge them all you want it won't work... if the filter is clogged or the pump is bad it should still run or fart off a can of starting fluid, break clean whatever.... but that's assuming it is turning over with spark.... let me know if i can help... i have a spare battery i can throw in it just to be sure.... pm me if ya want.. I also have a gen you can run your trailer with if that will help...
  6. Just sad, sad, sad,..... all of this could be prevented with some common sense and good parenting... sorry for those who got hurt...
  7. it looks like the clouds from the movie independance day right before they invaded...
  8. Just a big dinner w/ the fam.... Mom is visiting from MI. Happy Easter everyone
  9. :freakin_nuts: :drunks: :hatdance: :pile:
  10. most of that music really does suck but it brings back so many memories... I just can't help myself and it also seperates the garage wanna bees LOL (sends the wife running)
  11. FCK! I think I'm getting
  12. Well F it, new to me.... LOL
  13. Well after moving my PC to the garage I needed some music. After installing some old surround sound speakers, my wife showed me this web site she uses at work. This is great!!! you can create your own radio station and as it is playing you can give the song a thumbs up or thumbs down or even skip. Over time it will remember the kind of music you like for the station you have created.... I have one called dinosour rock (classic rock) and a punk station.... now for anyone that grew up like I did this is great to find that 70's 80's punk music like TSOL, 7 Seconds, Angry Samoans, Black Flag, ect. ect... great for the garage!!!!! Except for the person closest to the PC, I keep yelling at them to click thumbs up or down.... Check it out... http://www.pandora.com/ Oh and it is free unless you want to subscribe and get rid of advertising.....
  14. Thanks... after watching THE CORRECT VIDEO I needed that.... LMAO "it's the worm"
  15. Exactly.... sure the bank gave you a chity loan... but your the dumb azz that sighned the paperwork so efen pay for it!
  16. All these morons that add those wide front fenders to there stock pick-up and never do any other mods and run around town like they are driving a pre-runner... And all those idiots that put the muffler on there jap cars to get attention.... and the word DUDE! :mischevious:
  17. I slept like a baby through the whole thing but then again baby's don't do shots of aftershock w/ tabasco. So I guess it was like lights out for about 10 hrs for me... glad to do my part LOL
  18. Just keep in ming that the tower and towee is best level with each other... (did that make sence?)
  19. Woo I thought it was just me that was like WTF??? I can't find it...
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