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Everything posted by indasand

  1. Hey know that looks like some close to home fun right there!!!!! We'll be checking it out fo sure!!!
  2. I'd do it!!!!! LOL (hey hold my beer this trailer is swaying for some reason)
  3. I suck as much as you do... Wow! that's bad... at least I'm not fetchin beers ya efin porter LOL
  4. Maybe this will help, but then again my bed is all fu!#ed up because of where I like to tow my trailer too... (Laughlin) http://www.etrailer.com/faq_comments_fifthwheel.aspx So don't drink and take my advice at the same time... LOL
  5. Nice turnout!!! Geez I miss the dunes... Great pics, Thanks for sharing...
  6. Wow! Welders on crack can come up with anything... Good thing I can't weld LOL :freakin_nuts:
  7. There's a guy that sells fire wood at Valley View and Warm Springs. not sure on the prices but everytime I drive by he has a hole chitload of wood... Usually a white pickup in front of his house full w/ a phone number on it... :freakin_nuts:
  8. Buttcrack fer sure..... :freakin_nuts:
  9. Sure is nice to be so proud of our kids these days... My youngest is 12 and already wants to be in a jet... :freakin_nuts:
  10. DP went to Stoneys to practice for ya...
  11. I hope magazines are still safe
  12. indasand


    Your empty space...
  13. Something that's not a bar? :angry2: :angry2: Hmmm can't think of anything
  14. Perfect! Just add some beer holders
  15. Hell ya come to Vegas!!!!! :drunk2: :hatdance:
  16. What an absolute joke!!!!!! You have got to be kidding me...
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