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Everything posted by indasand

  1. I GOTZ ME A JOB!!!!!! Woooo close one....... check it out www.dhpace.com C yuz at the poker run fo sho
  2. LOL^^^^^^^^^^^^ anyways, I miss my street bike, one of these days... Looks like fun!!
  3. Um.... OMG! A buddy of mine needs a date..... hint hint hint...
  4. http://www.fordforums.com/ Good luck!!!!
  5. Wud you say? Sharpie 702-343-9286 on all the bathroom walls... j/k If you don't want anyone to post the hosts # you probably shouldn't post your own.... just my .02 (Next time you need a # to post I'll give you my ex-wifes #) LOL
  6. I think my wear is normal use..... The rear tires on the triples are worn from the outside in.... Tires are also 3 yrs old.... FYI always keep the proper amount of air in the tires. Keep out of sun during storage... Hmmmmm can triple axels be rotated??? front to rear???? The tight turns dunefreak is talking about is what I am assuming is causing the wear. The mid and front tires look good....
  7. Ha Ha Ha LOL just wait until he out grows that bike and the next one and the next one and the next one... Oh come on Daddy why can't I have the new 2018 CR 500? It's a limited edition remake of a 2 stroke before they were banned in Cali. Oh wait here's one... Daddy can I have a paddle? LOL (tire)
  8. I wish I read this sooner, I have a full tank of gas in my boat just waiting for me to burn..... next time...
  9. Wow!!!!!! I allways appreaciated everything the hosts did for Dumont but I'm guilty of never considering how much it costs them..... Great topic!!!! Thanks for the paypal link Pete....
  10. How sad... Ride as a group... B safe.... Sorry for the family & friends
  11. Hey Jon glad your home. I'm sure your family is relieved... We'll have to hook up some time at the dunes.
  12. Man that is nice, I new I shouldn't of bought a boat. LOL
  13. Wow, I hope you and your neighbors come out of this OK.... :ah:
  14. What's up with Dan/Powerhouse? Is he out????
  15. GOOD FREEKING LUCK!!!!!! hint: it's not the quad
  16. Man that is just too bad.... so sorry for these families....
  17. Cool! Hope to see ya out there...
  18. Good luck! I'm jeolous!!! Pat I have a 16' car trailer I never use if your in a pinch you can borrow it...
  19. This could happen to anyone of us and I don't ever wan't to read about that.... No one has the right to put my family in jeopardy!!!!! BE SAFE!!!!! sad....
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