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Everything posted by indasand

  1. Cool See ya all there, and Terry let me know if ya need any help!!!
  2. Kill to order.... If he doesn't have a cow ready he will buy one from auction from someone he knows and trusts. 100% grain.... After you place your order he'll call ya back with the weight and price then give ya a date to pick up after it is wrapped and deep freezed. (you will need to bring some dry ice for the trip back to vegas) I forgot the name of the town but it is 5 hrs from Vegas off of 70 to Denver. It is worth the drive...... I have a order form I can fax to you if ya want... (he usually throws in some left over game or salami) chit now i'm hungry
  3. See you all at Terry's in the morning.... I have room for more peeps if needed or I'll ride along if someone else is by themselves....
  4. If you want to drive to Utah send me a PM and I'll give ya a buddies # and directions... about 10 hr drive round trip from Vegas The last cow I got was 700 lbs, three of us went in on it.. He has great bacon too ha ha...
  5. Hmmm that got me thinking....... "The rail is still cheaper" LOL
  6. OKEE DOKEE But here's my FM-200®, a trusted choice in waterless fire suppression, is now a member of the DuPont family of clean agent fire extinguishants. DuPont™ FM-200® is accepted and respected worldwide, with a history of protecting some of the world's most critical and irreplaceable assets. In fact, FM-200® is in use in over one hundred thousand applications, in more than 70 nations. Many fire suppression systems can cause major damage to – and even destroy – the very things they are supposed to protect. You're looking to avoid damage – not cause it. You're looking to reduce downtime – not lengthen it. You want a fire suppression system that deploys quickly and cleanly and won't leave behind oily residue, particulate, or water. FM-200® fire suppressant stops fires fast. When you consider the potentially devastating environmental effects of an uncontrolled fire, it's easy to see that an FM-200® system is an important part of an environmentally responsible fire suppression solution. FM-200® systems reach extinguishing levels in 10 seconds or less, stopping ordinary combustible, electrical, and flammable liquid fires before they cause significant damage. That's the fastest fire protection available, period. When fire is extinguished this quickly, it means less damage, lower repair costs, and an extra margin of safety for people. It also means less downtime and disruption of business. FM-200® fire suppressant can be safely used where people are present. In applications where space is at a premium, FM-200® fire suppression systems are the superior choice. The FM-200® agent is stored in cylinders as a liquid and pressurized with nitrogen, saving huge amounts of storage space. In fact, for the same amount of protection, FM-200® systems take up to seven times less storage space than systems based on CO2 and inert gases. You cannot afford to settle for minimum fire protection when lives and valuable assets are at stake. There's no substitute for genuine DuPont™ FM-200® waterless fire protection. Ok I'll shutup...
  7. Pebble/Eastern in the colonade shopping center if you pay cash for gas you can get mid grade for the price of reg. Oh I drive a gasser sry off topic
  8. Sorry back on topic... Google image search...
  9. Halon will take so much oxygen out of the air you won't be able to breath anywhere neer the discharge. FM200 has replaced Halon for the most part... The downside of Halon is that it and other CFCs were the subject of a 1987 United Nations protocol signed by the United States and nearly 100 other nations, which essentially banned production of Halon for most purposes by the year 2000. In November 1992, that cutoff was accelerated to January 1994 with a more than $40 per pound excise tax on the Halon being imposed here in the U.S. The only Halon sources today are from existing first-run stocks and recycled material collected from old fire extinguishing systems in aircraft, computer rooms, libraries, etc. At least aviation is permitted to continue to use Halon "until further notice," because the United Nations has recognized that no effective substitute agents for firefighting in aircraft yet exist. Heavy Halon users such as the military and airlines, where Halon-charged systems protect engine, lavatory and cargo compartments are scrambling for an effective replacement agent.
  10. A$$nut :black: Is that behind the gunt? To another Red Wing fan!!!!!
  11. Bad a$$.... I wish 38's would fit on my truck...
  12. Polaris Ranger goof! Me and a buddy got it for the wifes and painted it pink... I think it was at a meet n great...
  13. I am right in the middle of a simular situation gone bad... The pink ranger we drive around is split between friends.... verbal only, the ranger is in my name because of there credit. My friends are almost 5 payments behind.... They are going through financial hell right now and the ranger is just not a priority. Things change, life happens, don't jeopardize a friendship.... If you want the trade that bad make it legal. (Stay tuned next week for a pink ranger for sale LOL)
  14. That really sucks... but how many of them could there be in your town? Should be easy to spot LOL Or it's in mexico right now with 150 family members piled on it...
  15. Everything we own is through American Family... As for any specifics thats a question for the wifey...
  16. Naaw got me a 450 with a DDR flag, can't tell at night though who the f is who. Maybe I'll get some look at me chit..... LOL :surrender:
  17. Oh come on what else are the wifes for? They love that chit!!! LOL j/k sorry Stacy my bad :beerbong:
  18. Boy this Hampton Inn is boring... Change of plans I am in Cypress CA. working at Seal Beach. Will probly drive up to Long Beach for some beers and grub... Weather is great and for some reason theres fireworks about a mile away that I can see from the room. boring, boring, boring so I suppose I'll put in some OT and make some money. Business is slow in Vegas so I am glad I have this, The Phoenix branch sent guys to Alaska... oof!!!!! :clown:
  19. Well IDK what to say... Sorry for the Hart family It's hard to lose a brother and a son... 4 ever bro!!!!
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