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Everything posted by indasand

  1. I feel the same way, what a tease the night drags were... I want it to be winter now!!!!!!! The hauler, the bikes, the quad and the ranger all need some TLC now so I'm not efen with em this winter... Can't wait...
  2. OK OK OK from what I remember..... Mineurbiz... nice to put a face to a name. Britncali... Won't let me drink water in between beers. And I couldn't understand a word you were saying half the night... and you owe me 5 bucks!!! ha ha fkr Brian and Cole don't count. Sandsoullja... Good times 4 sure!!! You and your friends are some good free entertainment. To the group of Spanish folks I races up Banshee w/ for a 1/2 hour....... Good times even though you don't speek english and I don't speek spanish. WTF is DDR? Oh sorry wrong group. NO BUENO ha ha Thanks to the pick-up with the lights for showing up and getting me out of that one... What's your screen name? Ha Ha Brian your right, name tags would help but just for fun no one should be allowed to fill out there own... Way too many Brians out there... Budweiser in a can officially sucks a$$, back to Bud Light for the dunes... Nice to meet you Nicole, anytime you want a gatorade help yourself, everyone else wants alcahol LOL Hey Grey now that I see some pics we ran up a couple times... nice quad, I was the slow guy LOL Thanks for the shirt Pete, I can't wait for October.... Sleeping in my pick-up sucks, Sorry I split so quick in the morning. My butt hurt and my hands had blisters from holding on to bars to hard... (boy that sounds bad) Is it October yet? Going to LA for work the next days sucks even more but is a great way to daydream away a handover... Until next time
  3. I'm outta here bout 5 but not with the hauler The starter on the genny took a :poop: Glad I went to start it one more time errrrrrrr!!!! See yuz later, I'll just have a hallmark with lots of coolers full of ice.... :beerbong:
  4. Hey Ken.... Just curious... where do you guys stay/park?? I've ridden Cold Creek to Pahrump and always parked the pick up neer the fishing pond. Is that where people crash for the night?
  5. :angry2: Generator? check! Air Conditioning? check Window banger (extra a/c) check! Gas? on the way out...check? Tire pressure? check! Propane? Faaaaaaak!!! Do it friday! than check Budweiser? check, check, check! Paddles? oops Do it Friday! No wife and kids? Hell ya check X 10 Good times with new and old friends? Faaaaaaaak ya I can't wait... check yo check! Amex card for efed up gas prices? check! Is it Saturday yet? nope only Thursday!!! ha ha
  6. Just got home... Why can't anyone in Vegas drive in the rain? I only know a few people that are from Vegas (asssuming everyone else is from a state that has weather/seasons) but it seems everybody has to do 30 in a 65... geez where are these people from? drives me crazy!!! I wish it would really snow here so could finally have some fun road rage!!! j/k
  7. I'm staying at the comfort inn on ventura.... But the CA office just called and wants to use me somewhere else maybe... go figure..
  8. Just wondering..... Next week I've got some out of town work to do. Will most likely sit in the nearest bar to the hotel and pretend I'm single (that never works out though LOL) lemmy no
  9. I can bring my two wheeler fer ya so you can have a morning ride?
  10. Alll you efers....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crack me up!!!!! :gayboy: :no_no: (hey Zippy! )
  11. Yup it takes 4 D batteries, Warrior will loan ya some....
  12. Ha Ha he had to drop off his hooker first then haul azz back.... yup
  13. Yes there getting trained on how to drive the rail, How or by who IDK..... I got to see this rail when we were in Barstow it is def. BAD A$$!!!! Someone said it used to be the crown royal car.....
  14. Sounds great but I won't know for sure until it gets a bit closer. Sept. is still a bit away....
  15. Good times for sure... Even the kids that didn't want to go had a blast!!!!!!!! We need to do this again on a Fri. or a Sat. I don't know kicked some a$$ ha ha ha BTW that food was the best!!!! or maybe it was the beer and I was starving... either way... Nice to meet ya Sandseaker (sp)
  16. Ha Ha Ha It's pretty great you have the enthusiasm to do things yourself!!!! And BTW I don't sit in front of the TV I sit in front of the laptop...... LOL
  17. I've got a honey do list for ya!!!!! j/k
  18. Screen names gone bad!!!! "Hi sand chick reserved a lane for us my name is indasand" "What?" "The DDR b-day party for sand chick?" "What?" "Awwww F it gimmie a size 9 and a freekin lane over there by the loud drunk people!?" "Oh Jodi Pudwills party...." "Who's Jodi?" OK I'll stop.....
  19. I didn't really help i don't think... just was a learning experience for me...
  20. Well geez............ I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet you and Chris. You are great people!!!! I am assuming the house sold or will soon.... Too bad we never had the chance to :clown: :beerbong: but hey life changes for all of us sometimes and we just need to roll with it. Good luck with all that the move will bring you. And in about ten years when they figure out that the internet is on computers know LOL send us an update... Brian PS The pillow seem goes on what side?
  21. I felt a lil bit in Barstow around noon ish but I just thought it was the building I was in
  22. Thanks Pete.. Just to add a bit the BLM stated that they would be adding more staff to help patrol the out of bounds area if needed. And it sure seems to me that education is the key. We really need to get the word out there to stay in the designated riding areas. There was some discusion on how to do this but I'll save that for a different post / time. I'll just say that OGP had some great ideas and they were taking notes. It was nice to be a part of my first meeting @ the BLM. They really do look at us (F.O.D.D. & D.D.R.) for the "voice" of the riding community of Dumont. Or at least that was my impression... B
  23. Nice Dan!!!!! I think I can get about five burritos in foil on that block, want one? j/k :beerbong:
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