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Everything posted by indasand

  1. Well it is too bad WW is going through this but I must say that I still love my trailer and for all the reasons I purchased it, it will last my family for years to come. I never purchased any extended warrantty, i am to cheap for that. All of the items in the trailer are not "exclusive" to WW. fixing things myself, asking friends for help, and just dealing with it will be fine for me. I have never taken a vehicle back to the dealer for repair.... I have always fixed my own bikes... I do all the repairs around the house (and so on......) WW going out of business will just save me the headache of dealing with em.... i hope that made some sence....
  2. I could do that on accident!!!! You should see me crash!!!!! LOL
  3. I no dat foo!!! just wanna C how many peeps park at the rock pile... you know, Warrior's rock pile... LOL Nice try.....
  4. Did you mention the $50.00 fee to him and that tech is going to be really harsh this year for safety reasons? LOL
  5. I saw some floating corn and peanuts is that a turd fish?
  6. If ya wanna trailer it there lemmy no...it's easier than dragging it
  7. What's the weather like there on Labor day? I've still never been there :peek:
  8. No wait I'll do it wid ya Pete, Two skinny guys is the same as one &%@ guy...LOL That sucks flyinryan, Just do it your self and put on You Tube.... Then they'll be callin ya sayin come and prove it!!!
  9. There is always a fee............ Holiday, Non-Holiday, Weekend or yearly pass... along with the stickers for your toys... All of those can be purchased in Baker on your way there... (among numerous other places) I would suggest doing the right thing.... I do.. Support your riding area or you will lose it! pay up Ma Fakka! ha ha ha ha ha (please don't ask where the money goes LOL j/k) :beerbong:
  10. Ok I am in!!!! +3 OH boy this is goona B fun ( I can't bowl) :beerbong:
  11. Good luck with being a vendor hope that works out for ya. we'll stop buy and say hi. Oh and if you could get a license to sell beer and ice I would be all over that. We could be neighbors LOL And welcome to the site!!!!
  12. Ouch! LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiImIAKuuQY
  13. F.O.R.D. ha ha ha good times
  14. I can't remember, Dan set it up for me on his dyno
  15. LOL there are people in this town that actually pay for that quality of work!!!!! ooooof!
  16. Check this out... Last I talked to them they were still looking for a place in Vegas to set up, but that was two years ago... http://www.millerwelds.com/education/articles/story112.html
  17. Your the only smoker I know besides that a-hole Warrior LOL anyways...... I got the day off so I am in!!!!!!!!! I need an address for my GPS.................. Never been there... where the F is Barstow? Do people actually live there? ha ha ha
  18. I've never been to a meeting and this one looks like a good start so I'll do my best. If anyone want's to ride along let me know.... I'm sure I can get the day off we are pretty slow at work right know. (smoker friendly truck, come on Nick! LOL)
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