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Everything posted by indasand

  1. indasand


    So True.....................
  2. I'll be getting one..... been waiting along time for this car
  3. That sucks!!! But couldn't help but laugh my way through......
  4. SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeT!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thinking of you Warrior07 LOL j/k Boy in ten more years I can drink and ride like my daddy... oooof Who put that efen tire on? freekin rookie ha ha ha ha Jake! time to go home!!!!! Jake! Jake! Jake! GET OFF MY QUAD!!!!!
  6. Oh and if you do get stuck???????? Ask for Pete (Warrior07) he'll help ya out and will fetch a beer at the same time for ya.... ha ha ha
  7. Brian!!!!!! I'm gonna beat you w/ this #$#@#$! hat
  8. I came THIIIIIIIIIIIISSSS close to getting a LT kit for the Rhino, but my wife wanted spacers...
  9. What?!!!!!!!! It's from the cold water!!!!!!
  10. You'll be fine... besides.... if you get stuck it gives me a reason to put my truck in 4 wheel drive... (wide turns, keep your momentum up...)
  11. Only a "nut" would have AT&T.... Verizon is the only way to go at Dumont, I'd call my friends w/ AT&T but the service just sucks so much they would never get my call... :poke: :poke: :poke:
  12. ahhhhh chit! I thought this was the hair color for men meet n greet
  13. I remember pictures of people I don't even know LOL (note to self: LOG OFF!) sorry been
  14. Thanks, I'll PM you my fridge info sometime before I'm 40 LOL Is there any way you can scan the letter and post it?
  15. No problem... I just through that out there cause alot of peeps are day tripping it and i know there is no way I can stay sober, at night, that long, with this group of @#$%*!@ LOL
  16. I had to Al Bundy it after that turkey Never a dull moment... Another night at comp... Good times at Amorgosa meeting Dinicolada & Dinicolady for the first time Looked fine to me when I took the pic, then again My one good deed for the year OK holy fck this got me jonesin bad for some sand!!!!!!! FCk October is it August yet?
  17. Well I had two other friends coming with me but things seem to be a little wishy washy with them sometimes... I'm going no matter what even if they don't go... So to all you peeps that drink as much as me and more please feel free to crash in my hauler instead of driving home from the "D" is better than
  18. Sounds fun but ya the drive would suck, well.... not for me.... LOL
  19. You must be the only one in Vegas using turn signals. If they stop working completley don't worry you'll blend right in.
  20. I've got it.... You can borrow it if ya want... It's ok...... The music is better than the riding...
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