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Everything posted by indasand

  1. Bofum red bull or rock star
  2. Holy chit found this on GD.com http://www.cobaltss.net/forums/showthread.php?t=118899
  3. Way to go! I'm bored and need pictures
  4. Add the option "none of the above"
  5. Didn't go to Timbers last night :freakin_nuts:
  6. Me and Stacy went there last night to check it out... Great food! Great people.... and half the distance to PT's from our house...
  7. Very very generous, Hats off to the Gesualdo family :freakin_nuts:
  8. Nice new toy, I see plenty of driveway drinking on that lil' mo fo!!!! :beer_bang:
  9. nighttime - comp, daytime - banshee NHRA or Nascar?
  10. All of em' indoor or outdoor MX?
  11. Gobble Gobble fo sho love sports or could care less?
  12. Ha Ha WTF is DDR INC? LOL Actually the Charger was worth more than the Escalade so we put almost 4K down and because of gas prices and anything with crappy milage is pretty cheap I think we really lucked out. Normally we could of never afforded something like this. It is one of the nicest vehicles we have ever owned. :peek:
  13. Boston Terrier Male or Female? (dogs/pets)
  14. Well as much as we loved the Charger and of course the Hemi it couldn't tow the new boat anywhere... So we traded it in on this new to us 2005 Escalade AWD. Now we can go on vacation with all the toys! Just a few pics... :peek:
  15. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time....... :peek:
  16. It looks like an american version that spike tv chinese show... forgot the name of it????? :smoker:
  17. Carne Asada The Peoples Court or Judge Judy?
  18. Do you mean this? "Most users ever online was 678 on Jan 26 2008, 01:19 AM" or We have 4,005 registered members :freakin_nuts:
  19. Does that help with all those efen flyers on the door? By the time I get home everyday there is always stuff on the doorknob or wedged in the frame, sometimes the efers put things on the garage door! :freakin_nuts:
  20. Thinks Skyz has a nice a$$ but said rail to be polite ha ha
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