Well other than all the small stupid jobs I had as a kid in high school (lots of job hopping) there are two that stick out the most that sucked!!!
1) Roofing, at the end of the day I couldn't feel my legs from carrying the shingles up to the roof on a crapy ladder. Then the tear off was a pain in the a$$, no really! roofing nails in the butt, feet and knees suck
2) Tree Trimming, sure was cool at first to run a saw but I soon figured out that 2 hrs of cutting equals the rest of the day stackin wood in a truck and running a chipper. It gets worse... Those frickin trucks got to be unloaded too And then if we were slow I would just split wood for days... We got a job adding spaces to a camp site and clearing up existing w/ 2 pickups and 1 chipper...I quit
Hummm.. seems I am whining about hard work... All of this was in Michigans crapy weather freezing my off.
I have to go to my real job now...