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Everything posted by indasand

  1. http://www.us.sbt.siemens.com/home.asp One of the few companies that still offers a pention....
  2. Budweiser and a light switch :6pak: j/k
  3. I got yer woody right here!!! :jester2: j/k (sorry my bad, but funny)
  4. I don't know what to say..... sad story..... Great volunteer work wsky70... Good luck and of course our thoughts are with you and the family...
  5. Best job? Well I'm "on the clock" posting on DDR wishing I was indasand.... yup this is a good job so far...
  6. 59% which means you are moderately conservative. You believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values. I'm w/ ISBB on this one...
  7. Well other than all the small stupid jobs I had as a kid in high school (lots of job hopping) there are two that stick out the most that sucked!!! 1) Roofing, at the end of the day I couldn't feel my legs from carrying the shingles up to the roof on a crapy ladder. Then the tear off was a pain in the a$$, no really! roofing nails in the butt, feet and knees suck 2) Tree Trimming, sure was cool at first to run a saw but I soon figured out that 2 hrs of cutting equals the rest of the day stackin wood in a truck and running a chipper. It gets worse... Those frickin trucks got to be unloaded too And then if we were slow I would just split wood for days... We got a job adding spaces to a camp site and clearing up existing w/ 2 pickups and 1 chipper...I quit Hummm.. seems I am whining about hard work... All of this was in Michigans crapy weather freezing my off. I have to go to my real job now...
  8. Sounds great but that drive home to Vegas after riding would suck...
  9. :surrender: The I'm too drunk handle is alot cheaper than the third step needed from flipping my axles And I never said it was for me... Stacy
  10. indasand


    Cool! But where does ther cooler go? LOL
  11. http://www.famousdogbreeds.com/smartestbreeds.html
  12. We all have days like that good thing you have Dan the man LOL
  13. The glasses would be funny looking and contacts would be double the price
  14. Just had to watch that again fkn awsome I found that bike at servicehonda.com sweeeeeeeeeet 500
  15. for being bored out of my mind
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