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Everything posted by indasand

  1. Heard it on the news this morning, I guess everybody is going to turn off all there electric items for one hour all at the same time. I don't want to be a nevada power employee when everything comes back on at the same time Should I not smoke during earth hour? :mc_smiley:
  2. Ya carefull with the heat of the asphalt also... summer is coming I'm jealous again!!!!!
  3. Holy chit that sucks I hope there going to be OK........ :boyyy:
  4. Copied from there site................ C ya fer a few Thursday, March 27th, 2008: 7:30pm - 9:30pm: MINT 400 Fan Fest street party on Fremont Street East. Meet and greet driver autograph session, live music, food, bars, vintage vehicle display, and MINT girls!! :boyyy:
  5. I'll be heading out around 6:30, gotta wait for the wife to get home with the charger cause my truck doesn't like parking garages.... Hope to bump into some a ya!!!!!
  6. I feeeeeeegure it out hmmmm to bring kids or not too?????? NOT!!!
  7. Still nice outside.... still yard work to do.... but all I accomplish is :boyyy:
  8. I wish someone would make up my mind LOL So Fremont it is? What time R U all heading there? and where the fk is parking?
  9. Well it's only on my mind cause I just did my taxes.... I paid $560.00 for registration on my 06' WW 3905
  10. now that's cool!!!! imagine how much more money I would spend if I new there was a PC everywhere I went? Hope they don't put them at the bars
  11. The drive home from Pt's keeps me a bit more sober I think, (FCK that didn't make any since) freeeeekin pick a spot
  12. Just yard work and beer :chkn: And a top end AGAIN!!!! (friggin kids )
  13. Starting to look like extreme thing with the boys for me instead of Bad Religion... But if I can get a sitter it will be me and the wife at HOB and then a night out on the strip.... :beer_bang:
  14. I'd B there anyways..... I'll come find yaz........
  15. It would be my first time to Coral.... We'll see....
  16. If adult beverages is free budweiser then I'm there... LOL
  17. My wife is from the Bay area we all love going there... lot's to do!!! nice pics.......
  18. well then...... It wasn't a crapy security cam that I installed then...... LOL
  19. LOL I think I installed that camera years ago...
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