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Everything posted by indasand

  1. Geeeezzz!!!!!!! your as bad as skyz... (or was that buggychick?) "Rolling on the floor laughing my azz off"
  2. There's two Cabelas on they way home if you take 80 and DO NOT TAKE 70 THROUGH DENVER this time of year. Have fun I'm jealous... I love road trips.. B safe!!!
  3. Now that's funny..............^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some can use that on the way home LOL
  4. Hey Pete it would be great to meet you but I'm packin for the D seeing how I missed prez day... (But maybe I'll come buy ya a beer anyways!!!!!!!)
  5. Well I used to have one as a kid (kind of ) But me and some friends are always without cell service and needed a way to communicate... So I went out and got me a cheap cobra for about $80.00 It will be perfect for 4 wheeling and maybe even @ the D... Anybody else have one?
  6. Your friends of warrior 07 aren't you? ^^^^^^^^^^^
  7. I've read that before... Still funny as hell, what a dumb azz
  8. On one hand I agree..... But on the other I just have blisters... Maybe he can have his own corner... :wedgie: A long boring day at work is always nice to know there is something new to read from Warrior 07
  9. Call Dr. Phil...j/k I'd pack my chit and go live in my fith wheel... keep the kids your main priority!!!!!! good luck and chill out on the drinking while your going through this, (yea right Jack was my best friend in my last divorce...)
  10. In the same boat as everyone else... My wife just started a new job and we are paying cobra until her insurance kicks in and on top of that I just found out my company has been taking AZ state taxes out of my check since October, my W2 is all fugged up!!!! What a fuggin mess!!!! HR--- Where do you live? Me--- Las vegas NV HR--- Have you always lived there? Me--- No I wasn't freeking born here but this is where you hired me!!!!! But wait!!!! 2006 taxes were just as fun... That's when I found out they typoed (sp) my social security # and they didn't have a W2 for me I need a beer!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. We'll be there Friday through Sunday
  12. You have no idea how proud we are of you...
  13. I'll be walking around with my kids if you see a Dumont shirt say hi....
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