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Everything posted by indasand

  1. I'm glad to hear he is improving, thanks for the update, we'll be thinking of him... God Bless
  2. ^^^^^^ Are you two married?^^^^^^^^^ To bad for the Rhino.... but at least there is one out there I can afford...
  3. cool... Christmas shopping for kids.... (thats me)
  4. My brother does body work and my neighbor is a mechanic they both love it when it rains... they call it job security. I grew up driving in the snow, just imagine if snow ever stuck to the ground here!!!
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^That is great!!!! I had the one with the long white cord with teeth on one side, you spun the back tire and let er rip.....
  6. Man that sucks... I had some of those toys as a kid and I think a metal lunch box... boy I was a dork... C ya Evil.......
  7. 3000 members were invited to the TRT meeting... How many showed up? As much as I would like I was not there either... So getting us all at Dumont at the same time seems..............
  8. Even the girs do it!!!!! WEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that is....
  9. Worst case cenario I trickle my grey out just to get by one more day before I leave, I'm not emptying it but just letting a lil bit out. I'd never do that w/ the black tank there are outhouses there for that if I get too full. And sorry to say but all the boys "P" in the desert to keep the black tank from filling... I got some clean tires.... Gross!!!!!
  10. See you there... (Did I say that?) Ok seriously Dumont is not the place for that kind of stuff.... BUT VEGAS IS!!!!!!!
  11. efen figures, I think all RV's are the same.......
  12. WTF? did my neighbors move to Dumont? That happened to our house and vehicles last summer.... eFen ukrs.........
  13. UUUUUMMMMMMM..... you have got to be kidding me..................... LOL Last year I think I got around to it on the 18th or so... the last thing I remember is a letter from the association in February to take them down... RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR got to do it for kids I suppose...
  14. Good Dad $hity kids............... been there doing that..... We all grow up someday............ NOT!!!
  15. I'm up for adoption.....................
  16. Had a blast as expected , this was our first Thanksgiving trip and all went well except for the the sandblast on Friday. Found out there is not enough room in my WW for carving a turkey. Brought some newbies with me for a couple days they couldn't believe comp at night and I also found out there afraid of heights.. (oops my bad, LOL) Finally showed up for a meet n greet but had to run cause by oldest kid faceplanted his head on the ranger and didn't want to hang... Can't wait for the next trip...... here are a few pics... C YA every year... Wife & youngest kid Jake Mark n Deb Me Stacy and Jake I'm a getten drunk jumping into pictures Who's the turkey?
  17. Good idea I think I'm a gonna copy that one.....
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