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Everything posted by lakecitydan

  1. Why can't you just sell parts(like tires or?) to some one(like a camp host)for maybe like $2 each. I don't think there is any laws about buying high and selling low. In fact I think its a government standard procdure
  2. I wonder how drain oil would work one? (i'm sure we all have lots of it)
  3. The "No Sensitive People" crew will be at Dumont for T-Day come by so I can pick on you in person
  4. Same year same story, I built this HiJumper from a tacked kit that cost $175(took a while to save up for it) has a few parts from my old tunnel buggy on it too. Glamis 1979(gas was $1 a gal at the old Glamis store that weekend the highest I'd ever seen)
  5. Its all just Karma (remember what you use to do)
  6. Its time to replace chains on 2 of my quads and 1 bike. What brand have you used that you got your money's worth ?
  7. Idiocracy Grand Theft Parsons Roadside Prophets O Brother,Where art Thou
  8. Was it a camp fire or a fun fire in the sand?
  9. Will you be installing cow magnets,close pins and a tornado on it too?
  10. I remember it just being a old foundation and trash pile in the late 70s
  11. I believe thats to help stop "Valley Fever" an ailment in that area from dust collecting in the lungs causing breathing problems. I've heard that from several older people that left the area on doctors orders.
  12. If you don't like the fees PLEASE go somewhere else! It seems like money well spent to me,maybe if they could raise the fees again it will start to keep some people away. With all we spend on fuel to get there,fuel for the toys,the toys,food and beer,the entrance fee is just a drop in the bucket. And maybe if we ALL just slow down on the entrance road,picked up our trash,didn't run into each other, we wouldn't need the government support and there might not be any fees.
  13. I got a marshmallow shooter too,they're not just for kids. I think it will be great around the camp fire
  14. I wonder what her opinion is on off roading? :mc_smiley:
  15. So are we supposed to drink out of cans or bottles? I heard we get the aluminium from the cans.
  16. Saber saw with a wood/plastic rated blade works great
  17. I just got a ATC 2000 by Oregon Sientific,the camera works great but we have operator problems. When I mounted it on my helmet I found that I look around alot and got mostly just the trail in front of me. Then we tryed mounting on the handle bars and got great views but the vibration got to it sometimes(had it set on high res,maybe lower res would be better.also it was on a Predator 500 that seems to vibrate more than other bikes) I think another trip out and I'll have it figured out. A freind of mine has one on his V-6 Acura powered sand rail(zero vibration) and gets great movies
  18. Hipocracy is alive and well duners can't spell lots of stuff gets stolen moving south can ruin your morals people seem to lie more on line than in person to many people have more money(or credit) than brains major dune wrecks always involve a barrowed buggy? beer is still the most popular drink in the desert
  19. Back in the early 70s I worked in a M/C shop selling and mounting tires,used to get people come in on a regular basis on there 750 Hondas telling me they don't no effin jap tires on there bikes, WTF there bikes are good but not there tires? Maybe I sold him tires
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