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Mr. Edgy

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Everything posted by Mr. Edgy

  1. Probably be camped around D-11. My buddy has white Chevy 2500 and a Raptor 5th wheel with "Kraptor" stickers on the ramp door. Long story....but very funny. I have a 31' Blaze'n/Rage'n with a white Dodge 2500. And another friend from Vegas has a 28' Topline that says "Roanski's Sand Shack" towed by a red Ford F-250. We are not to hard to spot. Look for the Blue Buckshot X-5 with flames!!! PS: The tags on my truck are MREDGY...and the trailer is EDGY II
  2. give him a little nite stick up the pooper Wow..............how do you really feel about this scumbag? And ....he may perhaps like that
  3. It's about time they found this Worthless POS. I say old west style draw and quarter him!
  4. We usually just hand out Red Bull and Vodka. That way you don't have to worry about melted chocolate.
  5. Let's see where that money goes after 1/1/08. This smells a little south of cheese. And I don't mean RC.
  6. We bought speed limit signs from ASA and drilled them to rigid cardboard 55 gallon drums full of firewood. We put them out where the camp racers would be able to see them. They are afterall made with reflective material. Some A$$Wipe hauling A$$ around camp hit one and got his panties all up in a wad and actually wanted us to pay for some horse $hit damage to his "sweet A$$" ride. Note to loser in LT rail: Even my grandmother could pony up and own a high HP sand car. That does not make her an experienced driver. It does not make her super cool, or for that matter...it doesn't give her the unalienable right to do what ever the hell she pleases. If your going to $hit in your own mess kit....do it somewhere else. :rant_on:
  7. ltr450, You mentioned that you had set up camp near crapper #3. Were you close to the finger dune? Alot of A$$hats will ride that finger day and night. In fact they believe that the flats along / below it are a race track. I am convinced these same individuals never even venture into the dunes. :dance: Just the sheer thrill of racing back and forth with no helmet on is enough for them. I say this with all sincerity. We usually camp close to the finger directly in from #3. Now because of the heightened A$$hat activity we have moved over closer to the scrub and away from the finger.
  8. I am not alone in this world!!!
  9. The "IE" Two Wheeler Crew will be in the house
  10. I've got the AMR graphics and they are insane! ISBB nailed it!
  11. GWH is now GWG Girl With Guns
  12. There is no way you can put a 1,000hp to the ground without wasting the tires. If that was a 1,000hp I'll kiss his A$$ in the middle of the 91 freeway at rush hour!!!!!
  13. I run the BFG AT's 315x70Rx17's. The great thing about these tires in this size is that the H3 comes stock with them. With that said.....you don't see many H3's running stock tires. Most Hummer dealers will sell the tires and rims brand new at highly reduced rates. I noticed you are running 18's. The H3 rims will also bolt right up! Just my woth!!!!
  14. We did the Big Island last summer. It was beautiful. I was a little bummed about the lack of beaches.....but the rest of the place was great.
  15. Why is Cheese trying to buy your bike? :worthless_without_pics:
  16. I got one word for you........................WOW!
  17. Hopefully this doesn't show up at your camp.......
  18. Once you install a stabilizer.....you will never want to ride without one. I used to use Scotts / Ohlins, I have since switched over to GPR. I love their service and they are kinda local / San Diego. BTW, my wife thinks it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. How did the CR do?
  19. Last river weekend. Last ski runs of the year. Last fish fry at the landing.
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