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Mr. Edgy

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Everything posted by Mr. Edgy

  1. I second that motion......... :wedgie:
  2. Our business is off by damn near 50% from last year. :mic: That's really hard to believe. But we have seen this before. The problem is....I think the worst is yet to come
  3. Baltimore Dirtbikers Dont you mean..... Dirtbags F'ing A-holes :porn: giving my town a bad rep
  4. Hey nut.........3:51AM, wow man get some sleep :porn:
  5. He will also have to register as a sex offender. Life as he knows it is over. :shocked2:
  6. Damn, I lived there for 27 years.......move away..... and the place goes to hell in a handbasket. (OK, I lived in the suburbs) WTF is wrong with the police and the mayor? :fro: You stop that $hit and stop it now. If you passed a law requiring city residents :porn: to have registration and insurance.....half of these people would not purchase the bikes. Where the fck are you going to ride a dirt bike in Balto City?????? And on another note.....a dirt bike park???????? That will work These A-holes don't even own helmets, let alone any other type of safety gear. What a bunch of :porn:
  7. It has to be a "man thing". We at least went to the trouble of locating the source of irritation and removing it. However, I noticed that in your original post.......nothing was done to remedy the situation for two days!!!!!!! WTF????? :porn:
  8. Did the same thing in Havasu once. 2:00am mind you. The damned things are all wired together. If one battery goes dead, they all start to chirp. Vaulted ceilings, too many road sodas , and a 6 foot ladder only compounded the matter. So I did what any other red blooded American would do........I got the ladder, climbed all the way to the top step , reached as far as possible, got a hold of the alarm, damned near fell on to the sofa , took it down, put it in the dryer full of towels. I was not going to spend one more second on that 'n worthless POS!!!!
  9. Sell the ball, pay the taxes, walk away a half million $'s wealthier............whats to think about?
  10. Mr. Edgy


    That kinda sums it all up I think.........
  11. If you think thats bad......................................imagine the "Lady Garden"
  12. I think these questions raise some serious moral dilemas. I really did not see anything funny....however, very interesting. I am a very cynical and judgemental individual....kinda makes me wonder???? I'am still not gonna change
  13. Wow, would someone get Rosie a Weed Wacker Sorry, off topic: Someone needs to clean that dog up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. God Damned Special Forces Rotties. :freakin_nuts: They get out of control everytime. Hey duneraider, this dog buries his own $hit, and occasionally a Ford truck. :freakin_nuts:
  15. Happy Belated Birthday DDR! It is great to see how this has grown over the last two years. I have only met a couple of people so far....but everyone has been super! Great job to everyone on staff and in admin...this is a fun place to visit! Regards, mredgy PS: I love this smily
  16. Wow............................I found it easier to look at the picture then to read this
  17. She needs to get her head out of her a$$ and get back to work
  18. Wildwood Beach and Boardwalk baby..........Mac's Pizza, yeah....that's what I'm talk'in about
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