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Mr. Edgy

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Everything posted by Mr. Edgy

  1. I had an '01 with the 8.1 gasser in it and had the same problem. Crank Position Sensor. Get it changed before it quits on the freeway, the truck is very hard to control when it stalls at 60mph!!!! PS: It never left a code!
  2. If I ever have to "excavate" my tanks....... I am just going to buy a new hauler.
  3. Kids with helmets..........................................now that is "special"!
  4. Havasu Baby, 4 day weekends are the bomb!!!
  5. How about THE GRATEFUL DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Dude, If we all gave two bucks to everyone who asked us for it, we would end up just like them. Broke, dumb and lazy. I don't do it anymore either. F-um!!!
  7. Dude, You seem very well versed on this topic................................
  8. The last time I stayed at the Luxor I dropped a bomb or two myself............. :redhat:
  9. Old Style is served at every bar in the midwest. Try Lynenkugles / I don't think I'm speeling it right. It's yummy :redhat: PBR, you got to at least go see the KING!!!!
  10. It's all about the beer man, beerman! :redhat:
  11. Ladder style frame and single left rear swing arm........Ducati 990 Monster???????????????
  12. PBR, Lyninkugles, Old Style: Must be heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Dear Red, It has come to our attention that you possess MOOBS. It has been clinically proven that 9 out of ten "men" who ride a Yamaha WR are clinically diagnosed to have MOOBS. This condition is predictable and can be easily remedied. First, stop riding the couch / WR. Second, step up to the big leagues and purchase any of the 450's currently on the market. These two steps will start you on the road to recovery. Or at least your MOOBS will end up on your back where your woman will find them a helpfull addition when dancing. :dance: Sincerely, MREDGY PS:
  14. To make matters even more difficult, it appears he is doing that on a Ducati super bike.
  15. Now thats what I'm talkin about :ahhhhh:
  16. Exactly, how about I stop at the permit station, buy 4 non-resident passes and forget registering these bikes in Cali. Or, I take them all to Havasu, and get my non res stickers. No more revenue Mr & Mrs California Assemblymen. (I was very conservative using the terms Mr & Mrs) How far do they think they can push before everything just breaks?
  17. Friday 5/11 - Attend Quarry Equipment Demo and BBQ in North San Bernahooter. Cameo appearence, split as fast as possible to get a head start for the river. Arrive Havasu and power down... :ahhhhh: Saturday 5/12 - Annual shake down cruise, launch Hallett and ski my A$$ off. Continue never ending honey-dew list. Wash, wax and detail boat and interior. Pick-up where last evening stopped off. :ahhhhh: Sunday 5/13 - Finish said never ending honeydew list. :dance: Make sure house and fridges are all prepped for Memorial Day. Get the hell outa Dodge and head for home.
  18. Including me and my entire family.......these people are cutting off their own balls. This is an existing revenue stream. We are already "Red" stickered for a reason. Hell if I want to ride during the warm months, I have to take my bike to Arizona. As I recall, all my old 2 strokes were green stickered???? :ahhhhh: :ahhhhh: F-Califonia and the horse they came in on. I for one am damn sick and tired of the constant BS!!!
  19. Natural or accidental does not soften the blow. My thoughts and prayers go out to them!
  20. You should un-hooked and pulled the "Flat Biller" out right then and there. There is no "extended stay" that way. Pull that Mo-Fo all the way back to SLO. :freakin_nuts:
  21. She should do the time. Even negative publicity is publicity. This is all over the news. She just gets more noteriety. Anyway..................Prison skank rules!!!!! :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts:
  22. THe cost of the crane and the damage to the cars far outweighs the value of that POS roller. They should have cut it up and sold it for scrap, or just left it that gridlock for eternity. What a bunch of a-holes!!! :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts:
  23. I also bought a Rage'n / Blazen hauler. It has the same table, very cheap hardware. I am going to drill out the old rivets and replace with new. I think that will resolve the problem.
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