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Mr. Edgy

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Everything posted by Mr. Edgy

  1. Surprisingly enough, thats all they were not wearing. Have you ever seen euros at Lake Powell or Mead?
  2. I prefer riding the bunny with no pancake, it's way less maintenence. And the top end is never ending. The bunny with the pancake is just a dog! :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley:
  3. Thats about where we normally camp...however we will be at Glamis this time. The inlaws decided to change things up! Maybe we'll see ya next go round.
  4. Just one more reason that I love Chevy trucks!
  5. Being that it's a French company, I would expect a hostile take-over before it ever becomes availible. Then, an American company will bail them out. That sounds a bit like Deja-vu. (Notice the use of French?)
  6. I had a 1998 WR 400 that had the same thing happen to the stock tank. I ponied up an bought all new YZ plastics, tank and seat, 1 season later the stock YZ tank did the same thing. This time I bought a IMS "desert tank" and never had a problem with leaks. It did tend to run warmer however.
  7. Thank God they were able to salvage the water heater, WTF? Look at the last two photos. Is that all that was left?
  8. If Hendertucky was as close to me as Fontucky, I might be able to go, however.....
  9. "Hot, stinky, liquid loaf" How do you respond to something like that?
  10. But, I bet you did'nt camp on a rockpile. Nor would I consider you a loser for riding Sperry Wash. You need to read entire thread to get the jist of my comments.
  11. Heated and insulated on the Blaze'n :chev_bowtie:
  12. The question that remains however is... why would you go all the way to Dumont to camp on a "rockpile"? Can't you find rocks elsewhere. These people are losers. :chev_bowtie:
  13. Are you sure you were'nt saying "pull my finger"? :chev_bowtie:
  14. Stay away from morons like this. They don't care enough to properly raise their kids (BTW the kids are just emulating their parents) so it would stand to reason that they don't care what you think. Identify a$$hats and keep your distance. Just my .02!!!
  15. Glad to hear your not just a brainwashed Banshee fan. Don't get me wrong, the Shee was and still is a viable quad. (Shear numbers) But a properly built 250R is a thing of beauty. Most of the "race" quads to this day use very simular geometry to the original '86 TRX250R. Until Yamaha introduced their 450, the 250R dominated ATV racing around the country.
  16. I'll take a CT 330 / 250R powervalve with Sparks set up anyday over any bike anyone here has mentioned. Bottom end and midrange of a fourstoke, but endless topend like a two zinger.
  17. That guy has way too much spare time!
  18. Randog and I both live in SoCal. We have to contend with the Caltrans construction at the 15 / 215 interchange. I wish there was a back way.
  19. My route takes me up the 215. However, they are not closing down until 9:00pm. It is the ride home on Sunday thats the killer.
  20. Power is not the issue, it was done for balance / weight distribution, and sound supression.
  21. Hey Eddie, if you ever get to Baltimore...can ya hook anotha brutha up??? :chev_bowtie:
  22. Try this link! Not good for me either! http://www.dot.ca.gov/dist8/
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