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Mr. Edgy

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Everything posted by Mr. Edgy

  1. Try this link. http://www.usadakar.com/
  2. Mr. Edgy

    $500 REWARD

    I did read it. I guess it did not register. I was thinking about my pick-up.
  3. So thats what you call "infectious laughfter". It had me in tears.
  4. Mr. Edgy

    $500 REWARD

    This appears to be a really good idea / deterent. I never use my key. I bet most of us don't. Without the key latch the would be thief probably would move on. Thanks for the heads up, never thought about it.
  5. I run BFG 305-70R/16's on a 2500HD. All I did was put the re-indexed torsion keys in and off you go. No trimming, no rubbing. It also levels the truck and you don't have to "crank up" the torsion bars. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1999-2006-G...1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. Better you than me. My wife is cold / freezing if it drops below 70.
  7. This style of car / Highboy, is actually the predacessor of todays "Funny Cars" these were altered or modified stockers. The phenom started in the mid sixties. Mostly Dodge Polaras. They dominated the drags until new rules were written that made them less competitive. I would give my left nut for a stock '64 hemi Polara.
  8. Newlyweds, not alot of cash lying around. My 1972 LeMans Sport laid an egg . (Motor gave up) So we buy a used "Vette". We thought it would be temporary at best. We moved the stereo sytem out of the Pontiac into the Chevette, good move. Two years later, (BTW did I mention that this rig was just temporary? And that I have done everything in my power to rid myself of this useless pile of crap, up to and including never, ever servicing the car). Anyway, we are going to a place in downtown Baltimore called HammerJacks to see OZZY . At the time HJ's was the place to be. Great show, OZZY is nuts. We come out of the club walk over to where we parked, or where we thought we parked , no car. I look around some more, still no car. Someone actually stole the piece of scat . I am sure there were other cars in that parking lot, why steal the only Chevette in a 5 mile radius? Then I figure it out , the stereo system, damn . A couple of days later the police find the rig, totaled, trashed, and of course no stereo system. The insurance company gives me way too much for the car and we end up with a new Toyota 4x4 pick-up. The moral or the story... sometimes an old lump of coal can turn into a diamond!
  9. To me the jury is still out. All my kids have an account but they are all over 21. I think that education for young ones is key. There are predators everywhere, check the attached link, and don't be surprised if you find one of these jackoffs lives near you. Excuse the pun. http://www.familywatchdog.us/
  10. Man I thought they were going to need the :assrock: gloves!
  11. That is why this guy will never be paroled. All they have to do is show these clips at every hearing. This loser is a menace to society. Hey Manson :ahhhhh:
  12. Is that a Parrot Bay he's drinking? My daughter drinks them!
  13. Still way too civilized for this barbarian. He should have been hanged by the balls, if he actually has any!
  14. 1. Lose about 25 lbs. 2. Get used to the fact that in 5 months I will be a "Grandpa". 3. Don't drink so much. 4. Save a little more for retirement. 5. Be nicer to my wife and family. (Does everone in Vegas smoke?)
  15. Thats what I was thinking!
  16. I guess we did'nt have to wait long for that answer. (Gerald Ford)
  17. How many of you wear a "Camel Bak" when you ride? They also are a big supporter of the Sierra Club. You would be surprised to find how many manufacturers are sponsers.(It helps shield them from scrutiny) The best way to protest these sponsorships is not to advertise the products they manufacture. Remove labels and logos. If someone asks what or why, you now have a platform to explain it.
  18. Dude must have a "major" bat flying in that cave. Had to go in with the thumb! Wow!
  19. A two seat long travel mid-engine V-8 rail would do, thats all!
  20. Done! Everyone should read and sign this. Californians and Nevadans alike!
  21. Very interesting article. Hopefully HD or their dealer network step up and the Chinese get shut-out. We need an American entry into this market.
  22. Don't tell anyone ISBB, the fewer people who know the better! :mischevious:
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