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Mr. Edgy

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Everything posted by Mr. Edgy

  1. I like pizza :black: :black:
  2. Dan's in the 909!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (posts that is)
  3. I will if the $ is right. Untill then....I'm just going to have fun with it! :black:
  4. Everytime I hear or see the term "Balltoe", I throw up just a little in my mouth! :black: :black:
  5. St. Anthony's (I'm Catholic!) Honda or Yamaha?
  6. That thing looks really nice. I love the contrast. The "Mini Monster" rocks!
  7. Cole, That thing is going to look sick. Just keep the ideas flowing. You can't go wrong with one of these things. I am currently in the process of adding a soft side / connestoga cover over the back of mine. (In Zebra I might add!) We are taking it to Havasu this month and I am going to try to get it registered street legal!
  8. That guy needs a new razor. And WhyTF is he shaving his foredome?
  9. What the hell do you want for $.99! If you were lucky...you didn't get a major case of the $hit$ from it!
  10. Payments could be less, depending on tax liabilty and Adjusted Gross Income. Phaseout reduction begins at $75,000 for single filers and $150,000 for joint filers.
  11. Spectacular first post. I am awe struck. I bet that took a lot of time and thought. Look, you have to kinda have a little thicker skin when you enter the world of digital forums. Just ask DesertSkyz Anyway.....I don't recall any of the current pro / supercross riders living and training in Hanford. And by the way... when someone asks where is Hanford and your answer is "just west of Visalia, you know where the International Farm Show is every year" you may want to back away from the I am better than you BS BTW... welcome to DDR :no_no:
  12. From Hanford.......what did you expect :no_no:
  13. Nothing goes together as well as Circus Families and Trailers.
  14. I'm in the market for a 2 seater. Also, I was interested in their roller chassis. I can buy an R1 or Hayabusa and finish the install myself. But that is a sweet car for the $!
  15. Can anyone comment on the Venom Busa powered cars out of Vegas? Anything good or bad? :6pak: Their pricing seems to be lower than other mini rail manufacturers. I'm kinda leaning that way for next season. I know some DDR members are familiar with this style of LT car.
  16. Herzog is the only company I know of that equips their "hoe's" that way. The material is railroad ballast / bedding. I used to work for JCB, they are an English heavy equipment manufacturer. We would have to set up the backhoe with special attachments that would allow them to mount the rail cars. I said mount!!! :6pak:
  17. Hey Brit...here ya go!
  18. Probably reading "Viz" magazine. Wanking off to the "Fat Slags" cartoons!
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