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Everything posted by 04toy

  1. I think diesel dynamics is setup to do the job. If they don't then they will definitely know who is. Don't have their number but their website is at http://www.dieseldynamics.com/
  2. If it's a small network and you're thinking of going the Exchange route, take a look at Micro$oft's Small Business Server - I've installed quite a few of them and they've stood the test of time for small business needs.
  3. Was passing Dumont this afternoon and decided to do a quick road check and it looks like it's been graded and nothing else. It's not washed out as it was right after they had started, and I don't think there is enough material there for them to oil/roll/seal. Hopefully I am wrong. Anyhow it's a much smoother road and the dust kicked up has been greatly reduced.
  4. Just avoid the mosquitoes!! Last time I was there they were HUNGRY!! Enjoy the break.
  5. If you're in the Vegas area check this link and see if you qualify. Dyno Tune for Quads
  6. If done right, you can do multiple things. I 2nd the ideas of having a stage for live bands, comedy nights. You could even do a movable ring for fight nights. Get the unlimited gaming license and your patrons can bet on the fights with he house getting a small 5% cut!
  7. Looks sweet!! You need to get better pics of it once it's all healed up.
  8. How would you know what chicken tasted like? What if the tree huggers got all the ORV spots closed down? :ahhhhh:
  9. Anytime!! Let me know next time and I'll bring the 50 with me. Tube frame the rest of the sammy and you can get lighten up the front quite a bit!! Have you dug into the rail yet?
  10. The sammy looks awesome!! Now I have to build one, what trend have you started!!! My girl's statement as we got home "will my dune buddies be there next time we go?" Thanks for hanging out John.
  11. Heading out Saturday early morning, should be camped over by #10. Look for a silver Dodge quad cab and an Orange Chevy dually. Swing by say hi
  12. If I recall correctly wasn't the idea of a group cleanup of highway 127 being tossed around? That would get the trash picked up AND get people to see that their trash may not be as secure as they think it is.
  13. To all those who went to the meeting and represented us, THANK YOU!! RichardCheese: Not ALL smokers treat the world as their personal ash tray. A small group of smokers give the whole group a bad reputation, the same as a small group of irresponsible dune riders give the rest a bad reputation. I got the spirit of your message but perhaps it could've been stated a bit better. :no_no: Now let's get back on topic of what we as a group can do to help keep Dumont Dunes open without huge fees!!
  14. I'll be there, even if it's just a day trip.
  15. Now that there is funny!! I'll be there - if the rail doesn't fall apart on me.
  16. DMAN! Sorry to hear that. Tell mom to relax a bit, my son broke his arm when he was 2 on the playset at home! Hope he gets better soon, the recovery time for kids is much quicker than us old folks
  17. I will be there that weekend and will help clean up and "educate" people about the whole "Pack it in, Pack MORE out" way of life.
  18. 04toy


    Only if you are going FROM Pahrump TO Dumont. When COMING from Dumont to Pahrump it is a right. I had to do a double take myself
  19. I just realized that the 17th of January is a Wednesday!! Is this right?
  20. I'll do my best to be out there to help with the clean up.
  21. I play craps and you gotta get a feeling for how the dice are rolling and then go where they're headed!!
  22. How about you take 4000 peeps and I'll take the next 4000 peeps, I know a few others who will more than join in and we can then use 50% of the profit to get a garbage truck to compact and transport the trash the next busy weekend! LOL
  23. If the road is paved it'll draw more and more "tourist" type people, and that is not a good thing. These are the people who do not, as a generality, care about how they leave their campsite. Perhaps dust control and more than just an annual regrading of the road leading into the camp ground? But this is taking away from the issue at hand - No Dumpsters At Dumont!!!
  24. How about a paying dump spot? You don't want to haul your trash, pay $5 per visit to the dumpster. If you are caught just leaving trash $150 per incident, an you have to clean it - payable to the rangers on duty.
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