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Everything posted by bubba13

  1. also when u kick it it kinda not backfires but like a poof of air not like a pop but a poof
  2. i tryed a cdi but no diff. its like if you dont keep reving it if u let the rpm get low it bogs and dies out then u have to pull start it ..hmmm i thought it might be the carbs :dance:
  3. i will thanks i havent tryed it yet but it has good spark and every thing just wont start by kicking it
  4. any buddy in the vegas area with some help my number is 622 5200 im trying to fix it by memorial day weekend..thanks
  5. i got a 97 banshee i have been having prob with it lately it runs fine but at low rpm it bogs down and u have to push or pull it with a car to start it it wont start by kicking it i have change the jets new plugs just rebuilt the motor it has a new wiring harness also has a coolhead any help?
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