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Everything posted by Kitcat

  1. I want my 2 minutes back, as well!!!! :porn:
  2. How beautiful. Santa Barbara is so awesome!!!
  3. Most places out in the flats where people camp now have cell service. We used to camp a lot at bathroom #3 and usually showed 3-4 bars on our phones. It also depends on your service (we have Verizon and Sprint).
  4. Again about the politicians and celebs.... No, I am not giving my money to Haiti! I am going to pay my mortgage and bills!!!
  5. Cafepress.com has some pretty cool stuff too!
  6. Funny that we both made comments about the RAIN! Speaking of water, thanks for the soft water Dave!
  7. I'm so glad someone posted what I was thinking! I am so offended by all of these celebs and the peeps on TV going on and on about giving to Haiti. George Clooney is going to have a telethon. Someone else gave $1.5 million. Really??? I mean, I feel sorry for those folks who lost their stuff and lives. However, we have peeps here in the US that cannot make ends meet. 10% + unemployment rate and God knows how many people have lost their homes. Then, Obama gives $100 million to Haiti? Now the Presidents are begging us for money??? Gimme a break! HEY GUYS - WE DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY!!! YOU DUMB A$$E$ TOOK IT ALL!!! And now we're probably going to see tax increases. Unbelievable! I'm so done with the politicians and the celebs. Maybe they should move to Haiti and NOT COME BACK! Ok, I'm done with my rant, for now....
  8. Last trip to Baker was pretty quick. Thanksgiving was a mad house.
  9. The baby dunes are fun to ride, but they can be technical. We usually make a trip out there when we go for long weekends.
  10. Interesting. I wonder if any other areas will be banned to camp. Hope not! :freakin_nuts:
  11. Here's another funny one...
  12. Have you guys been to the T Shirt Diner at the Galleria Mall (in Hendertucky)? It's so funny. Anyway, I just figured out they had a website. Here's a few good ones... :lol: This looks like our toyhauler - LMAO! Of course I had to add this one...
  13. I'm glad to hear good news! Will keep good thoughts for him!
  14. Yiah Yiah! Congrats! The RZR S is a BLAST!!!
  15. Wow - that's crazy!!!!!!!
  16. Yeah, we saw them install the mailbox and even decorate around it! Very cool!!! Let's get writing!!! :DDR:
  17. Perfect timing for the Regatta!
  18. Remind me of the date, so I don't go to San Fran then!
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