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Everything posted by Kitcat

  1. Nice pics. the first 2 look surreal!
  2. E rated is key! You don't want to get caught on the road to Dumont with anything less!
  3. It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation and only a minute to destroy it! He's a loser and is now in hiding. What a coward!
  4. You're right - it is a Honda! I hadn't drank enough coffee yet this AM!
  5. Yeah, and we can go have cocktails afterwards to celebrate our new shoes! :sophie: :sophie:
  6. Boys trip??? Hmm... wonder what us girls can go do?
  7. I like the S Class. Mark drives my little Mercedes (hardly an S), and he looks cool driving it! It's better than driving a Prius!
  8. "PS - we gotta make our selves a beer bong. " Another trip to Home Depot
  9. You guys are funny! I like the 4 seater, but it will need a more powerful engine. I like the colors!
  10. The dunes were really tore up. The fingers looked like Christmas Ribbon candy.
  11. Wow - that was a nice looking Rhino. That sucks! I hope you get a nice toy to replace it!
  12. We look like robbers!!! Gimme your flags!
  13. We just fire up the gen to make coffee in our Mr Coffee maker! I am not pleasant in the morning without my coffee - worth running the gen!!! At home we use a Bunn, which brews coffee in a couple minutes!
  14. We've gone the Tecopa way only once on a daytrip. We still like the Baker way, big grade and all! Actually, I should be saying Go Tecopa - less wait for us in Baker!
  15. Didn't see any cops coming home the Baker way. Hmmm... Maybe something heavy was going down in Tecopa!
  16. Pete's right - you can't fix stupid! I love the sign! A couple years ago on NY weekend, some mofo was speeding on a quad ran into our friend's flat bed trailer. The guy was being a real idiot and you could tell he was hammered. We got the BLM, who confiscated his yfz and threw him in jail!
  17. World' smallest meet and greet! Sandawg- we were there for a while.
  18. Yeah, check out Dr Door's RZR. He's a friend of ours. It's a nice RZR.
  19. It was pretty gnarly. I hope the owner had insurance.
  20. A new Wii, some games and a Wii Fit Plus! I guess we're going to have to get in shape!
  21. Awesome day to ride!! If we're around the South Pole today at 2, hopefully there will be a meet and greet!
  22. Awww.... how cute. Congrats!!!
  23. Snuggie Party! Comp was pretty dead last night. Peeps must have been partying at their own camps. We hung out there for a while and then got back to camp to ring in the new year. Cool fireworks though! Happy New Year everyone!!! :drunks:
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