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Everything posted by Kitcat

  1. Pete, what dept do you work in? I bought my Tahoe there (and the Tahoe before that). I've never seen you. :dumbass: I take my Tahoe there for repairs and I need my antenna fixed. I can't get any stations in really clear (never had). Gotta take it in again before the warranty's up next month!
  2. I remember reading about some of the girlz doing the Race. We'll be out there tomorrow with 15,000+ people! :ah: It should be awesome!
  3. Kitcat


    Pacifico with lime!!!! I like a bunch of other kinds of beers, too. Coors Light & Blue Moon are good too!
  4. We came home the other night and found a dent in the side of my Tahoe. Someone must have hit the back right side of my car, probably getting in or out of a car stall. Idiots!! Now I have to pay a dedutible because someone else was irresponsible!!!! :kitty: :rant_on:
  5. Saw pics of the prototype. Very cool! :kitty:
  6. The pirate thing got more news than the tea parties! ARRR..... Gimme your cargo.... ARRR....
  7. I never played sports and never rode a dirt bike or anything like that until I met my husband. However, I have always been into Halloween. Here's a pic of me and my big sis. My parents dressed me up as a hobo!
  8. We did some riding out near Goodsprings and hung out at the Pioneer Saloon. That was really fun! During the summer we go to Utah to the Paiute ATV Trail. Last year we stayed in Marysvale. That was a blast! Where is Bitter Springs? Looks nice.
  9. Hey, we're doing the Race for the Cure on May 2nd! We're in no way ready for it, but we're just walking!
  10. LOL! Interesting - I know someone who sports this at your work! :flatbiller: Did you break down and eat one of those donuts??? You need a donut smiley!
  11. Sounds like there were a bunch of accidents. Crazy, since it wasn't even that busy!!!
  12. Pete, I love how you've taken pics and saved them of trash at Dumont. You should post that as pic of the month! J/k!!! People are pigs!!!
  13. That's cool. We can get it powdercoated any color we want. Thanks! Now we just have to get them to ship FedEx!
  14. BAILOUTS!!! I'm so over them!!!
  15. Blue Steel is on that site. That's a cool rack, but we want one in the center.
  16. Has anyone bought or seen a RZR cooler rack that doesn't cost a million $$$ - or $300???? After duning this weekend and not having a cooler - we decided we needed a rack - for the cooler!!! The Lonestar model is the only one we've seen out there. Anyone know how to fab one???
  17. I posted on the other Easter thread, but will mention again that it was super fun, even for a day trip. Mark and I just rolled in for the day - just ourselves. Took the RZR out and had a kick a$$ time Well, until we ended up in some crazy bowl! :ah: But, we survived! That RZR is way more fun that the Rhino! We went to the meet and greet and chatted with a few peeps - Sand Chick, SKYZ, Jill and Mike. All together the day was fun. We wish we had our toyhauler there. Miss the afternoon naps and just hanging out! Oh well, there's always next season!
  18. It's actually pretty normal these days for companies to not stock items and have them drop shipped to you. They don't want to own the inventory. They act like a 3rd party.
  19. Our friends cooked a prime rib on the BBQ with a rotisserie. It was so awesome! And we hid eggs from the kids, which was super fun because the kids couldn't find my eggs!
  20. That's hilarious. Never thought of that! What's even funnier is that it's coming up to that time of year when Tiggs gets shaved.
  21. I think it looks like a Stealth fighter plane with softer edges!
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