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Everything posted by Kitcat

  1. I have to go to training in Phoenix of all places Superbowl Sunday. No Dumont for us that weekend!
  2. Okay, I might be totally crazy, but I sent an email to GWB to see what he can do to VETO the bill! We deserve to use our PUBLIC lands!!!!
  3. DONE!!!! We should all call George W and tell him to VETO this bill and open (pardon) KELSO DUNES!!!!
  4. OMG - we were just talking about Wasted Way Cheap Wednesdays! I was telling Mark that we needed to go soon!!!! I'm glad you guys had fun! :-)
  5. OK - that pic was DISGUSTING!!!!
  6. I can't even count how many times Mark has reorganized our garage. Just did it again this weekend, while we pounded beer! Not any fancy beers either - just Coors Light - the basics!
  7. Nice! I knew this would be someone's answer! I was just waiting for it!
  8. Probably won't make it for President's Day Weekend! Have fun though! The dinner sounds like fun!
  9. Here here! Getting a cut in pay and losing our 401K is difficult. It amounts to far more than 5%. One good thing is that our CEO took a 20% and many of the FedEx executives took 7-10% cuts. Other companies have their executives still getting golden parachutes and living high on the hog! Kind of like the Nevada politicians! We've cut way back and still go to the dunes. KEEP GAS PRICES DOWN!!!
  10. I hate when people say that. I tend to agree with DesertSkyz. Teachers don't usually make high wages. Taking 6% is a blow to them.
  11. Might go for a day trip on Sunday! Trying to decide if we go, is it quad or Rhino time? :rhino:
  12. So, we have totally cut back on going out and doing stuff. Thank goodness we got free movie channels on Direct TV for 3 months! Thank goodness gas is still cheap, so we can ride in dune season! What kind of fun things besides do you do for fun in the Recession??
  13. That sucks! That was nice that people pitched in to help! And I'm glad the hauler and dogs were okay!
  14. It's so ridiculous! None of this makes sense! Oil has been reaching an all time low!
  15. Cool graphics! It's always fun to dress up and personalize your stuff!
  16. We went to the new motorsports place across the street yesterday. He's going to be expanding his business to quads and is moving to the corner unit.
  17. It's really bad out there. Worse than what the news is saying. I hope it gets better.
  18. Try distilled water. If that doesn't work, then get new batteries. I think we got our Marine/RV batteries at Costco. They are awesome!
  19. That sucks! It's always fun to watch them race!
  20. That is way cool! Maybe I can Mark to do that and I wouldn't have to cook anything inside the hauler. Oh wait - I don't do that anyway! J/K!
  21. MONKIE! I haven't seen you in forever! Yeah, I'm in the same boat with my Tahoe. So, not to go but what ever happened to Way Cheap Wasted Wednesdays? Do you guys still go to PT's?
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