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Everything posted by Kitcat

  1. My parents used to do all kinds of things to my sister, when she was a teenager. Every once in a while, she'd take a Hefty bag and gather all my sister's stuff she left on the floor of her room and hide it somewhere (like the attic) or even throw it away. One time, my mom got about 4 rolls of toilet paper and TP'd her room, while my sis was in school - that was hilarious! My dad is an old car fanatic and used to take parts of her car's engine out, so she couldn't drive it (to parties and weekend events, if she was grounded). I wasn't a perfect angel either, but I learned to obey the rules most of the time!!!
  2. We're always looking for ideas on what to make for dinner and snacks when we're out at the dunes (or any camping trip). Sometimes after a long day of riding, the last thing we want to do is cook. And sometimes it's too dusty to bbq. We've bought some of those easy heat up meals from Costco. Another fav is tacos with ground beef. What do you all like to make??? :gayboy:
  3. We got the word back from Cal's today. They're going to fix the siding and front cap in March. They have to send it to Oregon. Good part about this is that we'll still get the siding done and go to Dumont on New Years and President's Day! Yeah!!!
  4. I'm glad your rig is getting repaired!!!
  5. Our campsites are typically Ford owners. We got this kick a$$ Dodge flag at Vendor Row on Halloween that we proudly paraded around camp and Dumont!!! Dodge Rocks!!! :eatdrink021: :mc_smiley:
  6. :boyyy: OMG - that's so funny! I love it!!! :eatdrink021: :chug:
  7. I agree 100%. They shouldn't do a half a$$ job of educating the vendors and putting the word out, then expect us to be totally understanding of this. I'm just glad that I'm hearing about this now, then when I get to the gate and have to pay more than I expect. Still makes me mad! Can I write the $40 off on my taxes??? Geez!!! :eatdrink021:
  8. We just looked at the lovely $40 pass we purchased (maybe we'll frame it, since it cost us so much). Anyway, it doesn't say anything about the holiday pass not counting towards the season pass. Furthermore, this wasn't on the "rules" that Valero had posted. They need to honor the $40. it's not our fault the BLM didn't inform the vendors properly!!!
  9. Since there is so much confusion, I think they should honor the $40 we spent towards the season pass. I don't care who's working behind the counter at Valero. They need a sign or something with the rules. I bet there's a lot more than 2 of us that made this mistake.
  10. Someone needs to inform the folks at Valero. They told us on Halloween weekend that the shack didn't have passes, so we bought one then for $20. When we stopped by there last Saturday, they told us the $40 would go towards the season pass, so Mark bought one. Did we just throw away $40????? If so, that really irks me! If places like Valero can't get their story straight, then they shouldn't be selling passes!!!!
  11. We stopped at Valero in Baker to get a couple things and to get a pass for Thanksgiving weekend. They still didn't have the season pass, but the guy was a joke. My husband wanted a week pass (we were staying Saturday - Monday). However, the guy behind the counter would only write it until Sunday. Isn't it supposed to be a week pass? We stopped by the shack at the entrance to Dumont to get the season pass, but no one was there Sunday or Monday. Oh well!
  12. We were camped near the entrance of comp over Thanksgiving weekend and saw the rangers pull over quite a few people. Not sure why, but hopefully it was to catch the folks that are speeding by camps or just acting stupid.
  13. Did you get your TH repaired? How does it look??? If you're having the warp issue like me, then maybe Keystone can do the work for free???
  14. I love your truck and trailer. Holiday Rambler makes a nice tquality railer. I showed my hubby your set up. The thing is that we really don't want to buy a new trailer now, since ours is only a year old. We love what we have, but wish we had a bigger black tank (it's only 28 gallons) and a little more room up front.
  15. Take it to Cal's. They've been having all kinds of problems with the front cap of our model this year. If you look real closely, you'll see the whole cap is bubbled, but it's more noticable on the decals. Lame!
  16. I didn't think comp was bad after a holiday weekend. I didn't see nearly as much as there was on Halloween. I ended up filling up a kitchen bag with the crap someone left near bathroom #6. My husband got a flat bill hat, but I told him he's much cuter with a curved bill!!!
  17. We used to decorate our garage and house for Halloween. We made the garage into a haunted house - very cool! Then, people would ask us what we had planned for Christmas - Uhhhhh... lights if you're lucky!!! We're contemplating not putting up lights this year to save on our crazy Nevada Power bill. We finally got a fake tree last year. We hadn't put up a tree in years because the first year we got our dog, Monkey, he lifted his leg and peed on the real tree (and the presents below). What a nice surprise to find on Christmas day!
  18. That's very cool that you helped those people in their buggy. Glad to hear they're okay!
  19. We stayed until Monday and the sand was actually nicer on Monday after a little wind in the morning. I agree with Dunefreak on the flattened out razors. Makes a nice easy ride!!! I didn't see a film crew. Where were they set up?
  20. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Get well little guy!!!
  21. That sucks. I really like our trailer, but I'm bummed about the sides. We haven't had any other major issues - knock on wood! :dance: Let me know what Keystone has to say. I called Cal's today. They're waiting to hear back from the factory in Oregon on the logistics of transporting the trailer. I guess Fleetwood had similar issues with their siding a few years ago.
  22. We had a great time this weekend! Stayed with friends (thanks Joe & Denise), since we were without our trailer! The weather was awesome! Everyone was safe! We took our friends to the Meet & Greet on Saturday. The South Pole is cool, except for the Bud Light can on top - The Dodge made its 1st trip to Comp on Saturday. Super fun weekend! The funnel cakes and jalepeno poppers at Vendor Row were awesome!!! :dance:
  23. That is so lame! I would check craigslist and ebay for the parts, too. Rhino parts are so dang expensive. I remember when I bought a Honda Accord years ago that people often stole it for the parts (it was worth more for the parts than the entire car intact). We got this really big chain lock for our quads. It wasn't cheap, but well worth it! :dance:
  24. We're going to the AZ Sand Show. It'll be fun! And we get to see my parents, too!!!
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