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Everything posted by Kitcat

  1. Our friends saw the crash. Said it was pretty crazy. We were camping over by the Sheriff's near the entrance. We saw Mercy Air fly in and fly someone out about an hour or so after the crash. Our friend was involved in a crash on her quad with a 2 wheeler on Friday. She was hurt, but not too bad. Apparently, the guy that crashed into her was worse off - not sure if he went to the hospital. My husband was playing with one of the kid's quads in our little cirle at camp. He and another guy at our camp got a ticket for riding a quad without a helmet - STUPID TICKET!!! They were just playing around, going about 3-4 miles an hour inside our camp area. The sheriff checked all the bikes at camp for OHV stickers. We had them on our quads, but no one else had their's on the bikes. She didn't cite them for the tickets, but we have to pay $50 for the helmet ticket. What makes me mad is that their were all kinds of people sailing past their camp way over 15 MPH and closer than 50 feet. And some people were riding around at night without lights on. Oh well, at least it's only $50. LESSON - DON'T PARK NEAR THE SHERIFF'S AREA!!!!
  2. Thanks!!! I'll give this to my hubby!
  3. My Father Inlaw has Banks on his truck. I can't remember the name of the brand my husband likes.
  4. We'll be out at Dumont tomorrow thru Monday. I don't know where we're camping, but I think it'll be to the left, in front of the big dunes. We'll be camping with some friends in their big Rampage TH with red graphics.
  5. So, if he were to upgrade his exhaust, what would he upgrade to??? Sorry, I'm a chick - don't know much about trucks and exhausts. All I know is that on his last truck, a Ram 1500, the upgraded exhaust was noisy!!!
  6. Good to know - I'll definitely tell my husband this. He was asking people who have Fords & Chevys. They told him changing out the exhaust would help with fuel economy.
  7. My husband was looking at getting the programmer and the exhaust together. Now, he's thinking of just getting the exhaust! Men are so expensive!! LOL!!!
  8. Did you upgrade your exhaust??? Yeah, I told my husband to call my cousins who tow TH's, horse trailers, etc. They said getting the exhaust was more important than the programmer itself. I think the guys at the 4 wheel parts place are just looking to get another sale.
  9. We're looking at the Raptor 299MP FW. Yeah, my husband said he'd probably change out the exhaust first and then look to maybe getting a programmer in the future.
  10. We'll be there with our new truck, but won't have our new TH yet! boo hoo!!! See you all there!!!
  11. Do any of you use a programmer n your truck to help tow your stuff? My husband is being told by a couple people that it would be a good idea to have one, but it's like $2000+. Anyway, just thought I'd get some feedback.
  12. So, I took my hubby to look at the Raptors yesterday. I wanted to show him the 3018 TT. He fell in love with the 299MP FW. So, now we're looking at how we can get the thing to fit with our lifted truck. My dad said they'll have to jack up the back a bit, so it's not tilting back. We'll probably need airbags, too. Anyway, it's super cool. Has a little slide out and a garage. We said we would never get a garage, but we liked it so much. Plus, we can house the dog crates in the garage and they won't be in the way. That was one reason why I didn't want the 26 ft TT in WW. Anyway, we'll find out either tonight or tomorrow how much it'll cost us out the door and hopefully get it ordered! My dad has one in green, but I like the black onyx interior instead. I wish we had it for this weekend!!! We'll still be out in Dumont with our friends in their TH!
  13. Thanks for the info. I was hoping to get a covered spot. Do you have a cover for your RV?
  14. Thanks!!! Yeah, this is the 4th Dodge truck we've owned!!!
  15. We still haven't purchased a TH yet. My dad sells them in AZ, so we're looking to see what he has and what he can get us. We're also looking at the WW FS2600 & FSC2800.
  16. We bought my hubby's Yamaha at Parker Yamaha (but I believe they still carry Honda's too). He got his Raptor for much less and his friend bought 2 quads from them, as well. When we bought my Honda, we got a quote from Parker Yamaha & a quote from the internet. We printed the stuff off the internet and went to the Honda Dealer off Boulder Highway. We dealed with them on a 400EX. I think we got them down to $5900 out the door (which was a match from the internet). Then, they said they'd sell us the TRX450R for $6800 out the door (tax included), so we bought it! My cousins paid over $8000 for the same ATV. Parker Yamaha was going to sell us the 400EX for $300 less, but that didn't include tax (and it was worth not having to drive all the way to Parker either).
  17. Here's my hubby's new truck! It's a Dodge Ram 2500 with Cummins Diesel engine, 37 inch tires and a 6 inch lift. The dune pics are from Dumont and the other pic is from when it snowed here in Henderson last week!
  18. I'm looking for storage places in the SE area of Las Vegas. We live near the 215 and the 95. We've got one place by our house that we can enter 24/7 and the cost is about $135 a month. However, they're limited to 30 ft max. We used to store our boat there. I was looking to see if other places allow longer lengths and at what cost. Thanks!!! :jester:
  19. Cool, but crazy looking!!! I remember seeing gas powered blenders at a Jimmy Buffett concert a long time ago. I always thought they were cool!!!
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