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Everything posted by Kitcat

  1. Right now it looks like we might do a daytrip. Too bad Mark has to work Expo. That would make a fun weekend!
  2. An 8 year old on a 250??? I hope the little guy is okay.
  3. Cinders would be cold this time of year. A better time to go would be summer. We went out there just to see it one time and it's really cool (my mom lives in Prescott).
  4. What's the capacity of the black tank in the FS2300? I love our Raptor tow behind trailer, but the black tank is only 28 gallons. We do okay on long weekends and just spent a week in Dumont, but it was close. We don't bring friends because we filled the black once when friends join us (I think they used too much TP). Plus it makes a good excuse to go with just the 2 of us! Our friend bought a Jayco 24 ft trailer. He towed it okay with his F150, but finally gave in and bought a F250 (which is much easier for him to tow). With the F150, he couldn't exceed 40 MPH going up the Baker grade. I'd check the gen hours on whatever trailer you purchase. Also, talk to OGP as he often has some good repos for sale.
  5. We went through Tecopa on Tuesday and didn't see any cops. So maybe it's safe not to travel through Tecopa on Sunday or Monday of a holiday weekend??? Were there cops pulling people over going to Baker way???
  6. That sucks - so one died and the other got injured???
  7. Wow! That sucks! Terrible to hear this!
  8. Yeah, the crowds seemed a lot bigger than the past couple years!
  9. I have to say that I am so glad I am just reading this thread and that it was a happy ending. I would have FREAKED OUT if we lost one of our dogs!!! That is so awesome! Where is the dog smiley?????
  10. Here are some pics... The guys at camp... Hanging out at the Hill climb Meet & Greet pics... North Pole Nice Jump Happy Birthday Blue Steel! :party: How many peeps can fit in our trailer? The mines (why does L Dog always have to stick out her tongue?) Nice 4 seater RZR Chopjaw
  11. The weekend was awesome - well, for us it lasted a week! We arrived on Wednesday, just me and Blue Steel. We set up camp and had a few drinks! Some of our crew arrived on Thursday, the rest on Friday. It was awesome to see Chopjaw and his 4 seater RZR! Welcome to the club! Thanks to Big Dave and Becki for getting us some propane for our BBQ, so we didn't go hungry! We had a great camp group! Everyone got along great! We watched a little of the hill climbs, but didn't catch the drags. Didn't know that they were racing RZR's. Oh well, next time! Had a fun time at the Meet & Greet. I got to meet a few more DDR peeps. Missed the naked guy the first time he drove by, but got him the 2nd time around (he was too fast for the camera though)! We got our new Mercedes flag - Woo Hoo! Had a few issues with the mount, but got it fixed thanks to the awesome folks at Dune Mart! The last night was a blast. We went on a firewood safari and found bits and pieces left over from other camps. Had a huge burn! Chopjaw would have been proud! We stayed until Tuesday morning. Went the Tecopa way. We heard about the cops in Tecopa, so didn't drip fresh water. I like the Tecopa way, but had no cell reception which created some issues for us. All in all, it was a great weekend. Got to spend a lot of time with friends and family and saw a bunch of other friends, too! And - I got my Girl Scout Cookies!!! Thanks OGP!!!
  12. Sounded like Danny's accident happened at night. The one we saw happened during the day. Maybe I'm wrong??? Hope everyone ends up being okay. It's always a bummer to hear when people get hurt!
  13. We saw a rail roll over on the big dunes to the right side of the entrance to comp yesterday. We couldn't see much because we saw it from our camp site. Didn't look like any ambulance or medics took people away. Hope everyone was okay. Also, saw someone had an accident at comp last night. Hope they were okay too! The sand is wet and very choppy out here this weekend! Hope everyone is safe!!!!
  14. Thank goodness. We had heard about the accident. Glad everyone is okay!
  15. Hammered - the dunes or the people at the dunes??? Yes, the river was flowing yesterday - not too bad though!!!
  16. Wow - that's quite a drive to Dumont! You're sure to have fun here though!! By the way, welcome to DDR! When you enter Dumont, head left on the flats. That's where most of the hard pack is. Try to stay away from the dunes, as it gets softer when you're closer to them. Have fun!!!!
  17. This is my favorite event. I hope we can at least make a day trip!!!
  18. The sand is still wet, but it is gorgeous out here!!!
  19. LOL! No stripper pole near us.... yet! You and Coluccio with that Crown -
  20. Wow! This thread really lit up! Uh Yeah, I agree 100% with Jodi! without this woman, we wouldn't be going to the sand!!!! We used to put a quad in the back of the truck when we had the Rhino. What a pain in the A$$!! Got the toys to fit with a little room left in the back! Woo Hoo!!!!
  21. I guess it depends on when you plan to roll to Dumont. Looks like it'll still be raining when we get there tomorrow. Looks like it will be in the 70's by the time the weekend rolls around!
  22. This is Mark's wife.... We will be camping a little north of bathroom #9 this time. We're heading out tomorrow. Look for the Raptor trailer and the blue Dodge!
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