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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. those carbs HATE to sit.... there might be salvation for that carb....
  2. BTW welcome to the DDR family.... lots of good peeps on here and great info...
  3. ah are you coming out this weekend? if not there will be no DDR camp (DDR= Dumont Dune Riders) there is a large group going out this weekend if not when you top the hill from the check point until say the 1st finger dune just off the main road you'll have decent service.. if your worried about it get a booster for your cell phone... they work great
  4. alrite I'll throw in the trailer just in case you need it
  5. what kind of gen? I can bring an extra Honda Generator 2000 for you to run this weekend if that helps you? I wont be out there until tomorrow late afternoon / night tho... although I am sure there are other peeps you can plug into for the night (Tonight) if needed?
  6. yes there is Verizon service especially where the DDR camp will be at
  7. wow I remember when you had that!!!
  8. so I guess this is almost true.... Im in-between 40's and 50's based on above and well that's my age lol:) ha ha BUT GOSH DARN IT I can do a hand stand on a board on a log at the camp fire at Dumont still lol
  9. Nice rig. U ever think of renting it? These bring good money if ya want the hastle Peeps in the UK love these as well as duners for rentals.
  10. Ive looked at and allot of my friends have the 50 cal doors and they really did a great job on their doors.. GTP off road has em plus they have allot of other RZR accessories for you (tires wheels, 5 points, seats etc) Mike @ GTP OFF ROAD is his DDR name on here or http://goodtimesproducts.com/category.php?id_category=9 Mike and or Adam will hook you up!
  11. Btw Rees firecracker will be out this weekend and I'm sure he can hook u up
  12. Contact firecracker on here. He's doing that as well or GTP off road. A member on here as well.
  13. I see its been very popular.. a whopping 274 peeps have done it
  14. not to confuse you more.. but this guy seems willing to deal.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/2004-TEC-3-SANDRAIL-2-SEATER-3-5-VORTEX-HONDA-ENGINE-TWO-STAGE-TURBO-FOX-SHOCKS-/251397112161?forcerrptr=true&hash=item3a886f8161&item=251397112161&pt=Dune_Buggies_Sand_Rails
  15. Get a gear oil pump and put mixture in a bottle take out your Schraeder valve let all the air out and then pump it in
  16. or just put a tube in it huh sorry Rees had to especially since you are cracking on me BUT yes as Joe said torque your bead locks! I had no clue and everybody, I mean everybody I told that to, said "what? i didn't know you needed to re-torque your bead locks" half of mine on each tire were loose.
  17. Yeap that rear paddle would go flat in one night. 2 things retourque your bead locks. And joes recipe with antifreeze and Aluma seal!! . Now I go a month with ZERO air loss!!!
  18. Exactly what Joe said. Only had one buggy in our camp so for me it was kinda slow running with quads behind me, but today it was myself and s RZR 1000 and it was a great run! Still tore up but was able to get a great run in regardless as no one was in the dunes!! But still a day at Dumont beats a day at home regardless.
  19. its the holiday season, so EVERYBODY should get a good laugh BUMPING IT UP!! for some hopeful :porn:
  20. wow pretty quick! BTW John at RC needs to learn how to spell Diesel! lol Congrats on the sale! oh was it that one guy I sent over to you
  21. Ok Sandchick u r 1000% correct I retract my statement. I seen it happen with a fav camp spot in Utah they paved the road and now the place is trashed. Now they have marked spots etc. still ok but not what it was. Also used to catch fish, haven't caught a fish in 3 years so F that. I'm gonna go like Sand Snake and take up the road and go down the center. Oh wait I already do that lol. So those that think going 45 or 50 well I might MIGHT, be doing 25 and that's if it's smooth. If it's rough like Halloween max speed was 15 and most times I was 6 or 7 mph So sorry if I held you up. NOT
  22. Ha ha oh my god I just read some so here it us enjoy http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=3641&view=getnewpost U might have to go back to page 1
  23. Ha ha no NGOODEY, but I think his posts might be in best of on here
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