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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. Well had it been an emergency I have 3 boots sitting in my toolbox. Sorry just now saw this. I got em online with clamps AND grease for $4 each! There now u can gripe again on what u paid for yours lol.
  2. well I for one will not change what I am doing. I am not going to invest $1000 in the new cage I was considering. But I will put my kids in helmets and see how it goes. I have not been harassed at BLM at Dumont EVER. I will say if your being an a$$ be prepared to get a ticket!! and for stuff that other peeps are doing rite next to you but not being a d*ck...
  3. I'm assuming your in Vegas? I might have a position but it's in so cal
  4. Wonder if they charge outrageous rates like the Indian overlook ? Lol
  5. building an outdoor kitchen... ill post pics whn Im done...
  6. Great news that they caught the theives. They probably fined em $3 knowing our justice system.... Glad to hear your buddy got his car back and was able to rebuild!!
  7. Welcome to the site!! Lots of knowledge and great peeps on this site. Hope to see ya at the dunes
  8. Ok thisage is weird on my iPad anybody else see the pics all jumbled about half way down?
  9. Wow. Jim did u get on boulder highway?
  10. Awesome news!! Congrats!!
  11. oh man that blows. Glad everyone is ok. But that sux
  12. Wow Bruce. Glad you made it out ok. Probably lucky hey we're out there!!!
  13. Awesome ISBB congrats!!!! I have a 70 btw looking to get rid of
  14. Whoops sorry my bad $8,290 a week. And no ul and this does not cover the insurance costs either. http://lake-powell-houseboat-rentals.com/journey-62-houseboat.shtml H btw sold this 1st week it was on Craigslist
  15. Not even worth a trial. That persOn or people will never or should never walk among us!!!!
  16. I can't see it either Mike? How's for China
  17. Should be fairly light. It's not a weekend allot of folks go as its warning up there now.
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