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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. That would ba huge plus to get the droid
  2. He's a train wreck. I do enjoy him though so..... CS FOR PREZ!!!
  3. ^^^^ ha ha very good point. I had signal almost everywhere I was in Dumont this weekend
  4. Chad I had AT&T and I'd say that verizon is a little slower however if u have the 3G the iPhone 4 is so fast it compensates for the little slower data and if your on wifi the phone s blazing fast
  5. No bugs iPhone 4 is fast as hell service everywhere even Dumont AND they say u can't do data and a phone call same time but that's BS I did it today checked emails while on the phone. So I'd say go for it or wait for new iPhone 5 But no bugs at all
  6. amazing trip Jodi!!! anybody else watch that Alaskan Trooper show? CRAZY MO FO's up there lol
  7. Is that the hill going down from Cedar Highlands?
  8. ^^ what he said, and do they have a mount to mount to a buggy?
  9. Thank you Jake for ALL that you do for the duners!!!
  10. AH AH AHA HA HA LUV that NOONE let him in I HATE when people cave by peer pressure and let DUMB shits in!!!! your no more important than anyone else!!! GET IN THE BACK JACK
  11. Wow Vic from that video it's amazing they both weren't hurt alot worse. Glad all is well and ad you say the quads can be fixed or replaced. God speed to your son and other.
  12. Ha ha I do have to say even at this age they take a crap load of $$$$, and when they get older there a$$ sleeps in the stacker and they don't need to shower!! Lol And there is no way no how I could let the water run my damn grey would be full in 2 showers!!! Aaaannndddd as they say to each your own!!
  13. Hmmmm I know someone this car would be PERFECT for......
  14. HA HA HMM I am SITK, and I can take a shower every day to
  15. ^^ what he said... but remember the warranty is a negotiating factor so get em down as low as you can on that puppy!!!
  16. Ok raspadoo I went to send u a pm. Your pm box must be full. But if u do part out intercom let me know might want one for my rhino Thanks!! Bump for ya.
  17. Bp that wasnt aimed at you. Lol im hoping ALLOT of folks pull out cause it might rain Saturday.
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