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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. Damn thieves!!! I hope someone sees it and u get it back Can't believe they stole in broad day light!!!! Keep an eye on craiglst for parts if u don't get back in a day or so. I'll keep an eye out for ya.
  2. Wow...... What a beautiful car. If my wife wouldn't kill me ID trade in a heart beat!! Good luck in your search but I dont think you'll need it.
  3. I know you know this Pete, but if that person who sent that email is reading this, go back out there! the crowds have thinned and you will have a better chance of finding her, but do it ASAP! these cold temps and other animals out there.. MANY MANY pets have been recovered by going back out the day after a big weekend, cruise the entire area, if she has a favorite toy or treat bring it and call for her everywhere... I hope you find her she looks like she was really loved and I am sure she is missed!!!!! Good luck, and our prayers are with you!
  4. Quadrocket was there with his quad... ask firecracker about it LOL :smiley: :assrock:
  5. thank you very much for a great class!!!! and the jack a$$ in the yellow chevy that almost ran over my son during the class!!!!(if your on this forum) :flipoff: :flipoff: :thumbsdown:
  6. that base looks the same as my 2006, and Otis you should get the seat lowering bases saves you about an inch and a half of head room and moves the seats out a little
  7. my car was actually close after the initial adjustments in camp, I had some major spring binding going on in the fronts, but Bud's car he had some major reworking on his shocks, so I guess it actually depends on what you have and such, I think you had your car tuned once already so he could probably get it close, but ask TJ, he'll give ya the skinny...
  8. This was one of the best weekends yet this year, almost always had virgin sand due on every run to the impromptu winds we had, they would come on strong and let up. Dunes were hard to read, and not many if any lines lots of razors and witches eyes, but wow had some AWESOME runs!! I got my car tuned this weekend (Thanks again TJ) I thought my car handled well before, but now, it rides like a dream!! awesome friends, awesome food, my son is now into trying the jump thing on his quad, fun watching him progress with his riding skills we didn't win squat on the poker run, but it was fun non-the less to go around with the FAM GREAT GREAT weekend, the Sunday run at about 2 was like having the dunes to ourselves (oh wait we did)!!!! Cant wait till next time
  9. Man that looks sweeet, why oh why do the Rex's have such an UGLY front end to em!!!!! everything looks great now someone has to make an aftermarket non stinkbug looking hood!
  10. AH ok I was just sending a smack down PM Dave!!!! glad your car is fixed, and you missed out!!!! my car handles like a DREAM... I have never been one to jump my car, but thought I would put it to the test, yeap handled it like landing on a marshmallow Awesome job TJ!!!! and a GREAT guy to boot! OH BTW 2,138.. I guessed 2,150 damn close!
  11. great looking video, but seems sped up?
  12. wow great job, love the cardboard scoop, serious Mcgiver shizzle
  13. wow I like the view from the side! you can see that front suspension working its a$$ off there!
  14. Dude dont give up...... you both get a camera and do some cyber brown chicken brown cow :ddr:
  15. wait did you say you found something in your COOKIE? LOL
  16. BTW Bert that Car is a BEAUTIFUL thing!!!!! you looked like a very proud pappa sitting in her! wish I could have run with ya, next time your out I hope!
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