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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. I love shaved kitties LOL, we got our shaved a few weeks ago.... they actually like it!
  2. White Rhino


    wow very sad! Prayers to his family and friends.. RIP
  3. Pat I have a 4 man tent you can borrow let me know Paul
  4. It says Sin City Performance is a dealer of them here in Hendo... lets see if he will give us a deal???/ he he has a DDR rep on his web site
  5. are you serious?? HA HA HA... seems open to interpretation?? I like the MASH on it phrase, here in NV they have an opacity test too, but they put it on a dyno with a sniffer in your tail pipe to measure opacity..... also I have talked to guys that do the smog and they tell me that programmers mostly from what they have seen have made it run cleaner... I never back my down here... j
  6. yeap what Pete says.... usually places in town wont sell you AC parts, and you should replace both motor and relay at the same time.. from what I hear Joe can give you ADVISE :0
  7. how does the 4 seater do for power? I am curious as it still had the same motor as the 2 seater? Congrats on the new ride!!!!
  8. a rainbow sticker for the bumper and get a copy of broke back mountain to watch on a regular basis =)
  9. well clear is OK if you never want to leave town.. look at their coverage area!
  10. hmmm I dunno I think on the i-phone it is still unlimited data? I have had one since they came out and I do ALLOT of data everyday on mine. I know I don't get charged more ever!
  11. Yeap Verizon USED to have an unlimited plan fir air cards but no longer. If u have it hold on to it. I just have an air card $30 a month for emergencies now.
  12. Hey Pat in my post I was totally talking the axles. The 2D is a good tranny unless u have crazy HP. I'd say 70% or more are running that trans if not more.
  13. From what I have heard and seen, it seems that if they are put on after the fact for a replacement to CV's you will have some issues. BUT Wicked sand cars install them as a standard and they seem to do fine.. I know a guy that has had his car for 3 seasons now, and he has had NO issues!
  14. Kitcat if your up there that weekend let us know!
  15. looking forward to a few Utah trips this summer, and our annual Candy Mtn trip for sure!
  16. here you go Dave you can put this as your avatar
  17. I have the 2006 6.0 and I have ABUSED THE sh*t out of that motor, and the only thing I have had happen was the high side of the turbo pipe blow off the turbo (known problem, can buy after market hoses) and the EGR valve plugging up (again a known problem) made worse by larger exhaust, cold air intake and banks programmer. (I am going to block the EGR soon) so as they said the 7.3 is a rock solid motor, 2006 to 2007 6.0 is good, the 6.0 has ALLOT more HP than the 7.3 did, I had a 2003 7.3 prior
  18. Guess I am joining the class of the living dead too.. I tried, I really did I only made it a minute.......
  19. well we have been busy with our 2 boys, running the company blah blah blah Went to Arm-a dust-hole last weekend, and it was actually quit fun. Its amazing how different the sand is there?! lots of sliding around corners. Its not very big, but I had some CRAZY runs and the car performed amazing. Had a few peeps over for Easter egg hunting, and a few Cervasa's. I finally got around to rebuilding the BBQ grill, that thing was driving me crazy had 5 burners and could only use the top 2 inches of it. It was so full of rust, but nothing the Dremel couldn't handle :ban-split Getting ready to go to San Diego next month for our annual Sea World and Campland week.... hope to MAYBE get one more trip to D before the season ends, but not looking good. oh and as Pete said. "I arranged my sock drawer" (not really)
  20. ^^ than almost anybody with a MOHO class A fall in this I assume? especially when your pulling a stacker LOL
  21. I cant go for the 21st but I am down for the 22nd, and I know that firecracker is in the same boat so to speak... are there more than 5 for Saturday for him to stay for Sunday?
  22. holy cow that thing is BAD a$$!!!
  23. Im in for as MANY as I can get in!!! day trip this weekend! Pete you in!?!?!
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